Concern and Hope for 2022
– By Lisa Rutherford –
As we enter year three with Covid, I want to be hopeful, but many things may dim my outlook. I also wanted to be hopeful in 2021, but those hopes were dashed not only by the Delta and Omicron variants but by our political conflicts and those who refuse to do what is best for all. Many have been doing their part to help get us through this pandemic, but others have had their own comfort and lifestyle in mind rather than the health of others—family, friends, and especially our health care workers who have had unreasonable demands placed on them for two years and are now looking at a third year.
Parents who refuse to have their kids wear masks in school complain and raise Cain by disrupting school board meetings. One article quoted a mom as saying, “One size does not fit all and adults who have higher risk should not project their fears or expect the youth to carry the burden of those fears.” Is she really so lacking in real concern for others? Is it really that much of a burden to wear a mask? It has not been for those of us who wear them. And a majority of kids seem to wear them with no difficulty. This mother and others who want to control these meetings shout down other parents with opposing views who want to be heard, too. What kind of future do we have with this kind of childish behavior? Many times I have to hear those with whom I do not agree, but I do not shout them down. What are these parents teaching their kids? Certainly not civil behavior.
Many people complained about not being able to get covid tests so they could see their loved ones over the holidays. While they were complaining and Omicron was surging, our health care workers were tied to their jobs, unable to be with family members, in overloaded facilities exposing themselves to a disease most of us don’t want. I say most because, apparently, there are those who feel natural immunity through contracting the disease is best so they’re willing to take chances with their lives and everyone else’s, too. Yes, there are those who are unwilling to get the vaccine because they have real health concerns. I know there are those who have justifiable reasons for not getting the shots but many—perhaps the majority—are doing it based on political ideology. Letting political ideology rule decisions that affect the health of this nation does not bode well for our future. As I write this piece, new covid cases are exploding following holiday gatherings while politics continue a downward spiral. Sixty-two percent of people polled think that there will be more violence following future elections and forty-one percent of Republicans polled incorrectly think that left-leaning individuals caused the January 6 Capitol riot.
The economy is also a concern in spite of strong growth. According to the Wall Street Journal, “The Dow Jones Industrial Average and Nasdaq Composite have gained 19% and 22%, respectively, this year, helping send the major indexes to their best three-year performance since 1999.” It has been strong but the threat of further inflation is concerning. Many are already struggling to make ends meet and many do not benefit directly from the growth in stocks. But, unemployment has dropped below 200,000 due to a strong job market—with the lowest four-week average since 1969.
Then there are the challenges we face with the environment and climate change as those who deny that reality continues their energy-wasting ways even in the face of devastating fires, floods, storms, and rising sea levels. I even have friends who are conservationists who continue to leave lights on when they’re not needed or waste energy in other ways. And a friend told me that her grandkids are some of the worst at leaving lights on where not needed. At least she reminds them to turn them off when many others might not. Kids should be trained. It’s their future that’s at stake!
So, it’s not just the political right that is part of the problem. We have all been trained to take energy for granted. Now that’s coming back to bite us, but we seem unwilling to change; habits are difficult to break. Instead, most people insist that more must be provided. Demands for cheaper gasoline prevail rather than amending driving habits or getting more fuel-efficient vehicles. But I see change coming, which gives me—a retired oil/gas employee—hope. Even in coal country things are changing. In Martin County, Kentucky, a 200-megawatt solar installation located on a former coal mine will provide electricity to 33,000 homes and jobs to former coal workers. In 2020 renewables surpassed coal as the U.S.’s second biggest power source, exceeded only by natural gas. Renewable energy—solar and wind—is not without its problems, too, but we must move forward in our quest to wean ourselves from extensive use of fossil fuels. The choices are difficult and so is change.
Then there’s the water issue which actually is a bright spot for me. Although more pressure is on our water sources due to twenty-two years of drought, I see things moving in the right direction concerning the proposed Lake Powell Pipeline, which is not needed nor can we afford it. But Mother Nature’s heavy hand over the past year has done more than my fifteen-years of opposition to the LPP, and now the seven Colorado River Basin states are in serious negotiations about how to manage the river in the future. The Lower Basin states of California, Nevada and Arizona have already agreed to save 500,000 acre-feet of water, and the Upper Basin states need to get on board with saving, too, since it was recently reported by the Utah Rivers Council in their 85-page report that these states have been using more than their allotments.
The environment is my biggest concern because this planet is a great blessing and must be cherished through our thoughtful behavior. As we enter a new year it’s good to review ways of lessening our impact on the environment like giving up bottled water, turning off unneeded lights, avoiding single-use plastic, recycling, reigning in heating and cooling, unplugging devices when not in use, limiting the amount of meat and dairy consumed to help the planet, using less water, driving more efficiently, and using fuel-efficient cars.
About 44% of Americans are hopeful as we move into 2022, and I find myself in those ranks. However, given my seventy-four years observing human nature, hopeful does not necessarily mean optimistic, but I will continue to look for bright spots as we dip our toe into 2022.
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