Tell Us Your Story!
– By James McFadden –
We understand many of you are already experiencing COVID Fatigue. This just might be the last thing you want to hear or see right now but we hope by the time you’re done reading this you will find yourself feeling different.
We believe it’s through the process of telling stories we can come to better understand and grow closer to one another, this is why we are reaching out to our readers, hoping to find as many people as possible who would be willing to share their stories with us and others. Anonymously or otherwise. If you would like to share your story but would prefer to remain anonymous, we will honor your request.
All stories will be vetted as best as possible for authenticity in order to maintain the integrity of the experience and experiences we select to share with our readers.
We are looking for various types of encounters that we expect to be as complex as the pandemic itself. Here are some examples of the types of stories we are looking for:
- You yourself had COVID-19 and recovered… What was it like?
- Someone you care about had COVID and recovered… What did you learn?
- Someone you cared about had COVID and passed away… Tell us about them, their life, their passions, their struggle.
- You yourself are in need of healthcare unrelated to COVID but you are having a hard time getting the care you need because of the pandemic.
- You have learned something profound that has changed the way you look at life because of COVID and everything else that is happening in the world because of the pandemic.
- You are angry because something related to the pandemic has caused you unnecessary stress, disappointment, or harm.
- You’re a healthcare worker and you would like to share something but you’re afraid of the consequences. We pledge to protect your identity.
- You have a message for others that you would like to express but are nervous, not sure how to articulate your feelings, or you don’t think anyone would care about your experience.
We can help. We want to help. Let us help you share your thoughts and your message with others. Again, if you don’t want your name put to the story, we will keep your identity safe. We will guarantee this in writing.
If however, you’re comfortable including your name, we would also be happy to link your story to your social media accounts so you can share it to an even larger audience, it’s all up to you. You’re the master of your story…
If you would like to have someone reach out to you, send us an email and include your contact information. eMail: editor@suindependent.com
We will be happy to answer any questions you might have and if agreed, we will arrange for a safe and reliable setting to meet and interview you.
Thank you for taking the time to read this through, we sincerely hope to hear from you soon!
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