‘Cowspiracy’ and vegetarian potluck for Vegetarian Society of Utah Feb. events

The Vegetarian Society of Utah (VSU) will have 2 events in February 2015. Starting with a potluck on February 14, and our monthly program on February 24 which will include a showing of “Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret.”
On Tuesday Feb. 24, at 6:00 pm, the Vegetarian Society of Utah is very excited to be presenting the popular film: COWSPIRACY. There is one single industry destroying the planet more than any ather! It’s the leading cause of species extinction, deforestation, and habitat loss. “COWSPIRACY: The Sustainability Secret” is a groundbreaking feature length environmental documentary, following an intrepid filmmaker as he uncovers the most destructive industry facing the planet today and investigates why the world’s leading environmental organizations are too afraid to talk about it.
The documentary also features Howard Lyman, Michael Klaper, MD and Michael Pollan.
This event will be held at the St George Community Building, 245 N 200 W, St George UT.
The Vegetarian Society of Utah is a non-profit 501c3 organization that educates interested individuals, organizations and the general public as to the values and benefits of vegetarianism. They also provide support and social activities for vegetarian/vegan-oriented people.
VSU invites you to join them the 2nd Saturday of each month for a vegan potluck, free. This is where you will find the best gourmet vegan food in town that is 100% nutritious and delicious. For more information and food requirements visit www.vsutah.org or call 435-632-3249.
Donations appreciated.
Calendar of Events:
1). Potluck– February 14 (2nd Saturday monthly):
Vegetarian Society of Utah presents:
A Vegan Potluck, Free
Public welcome – no experience necessary
6:00 pm
St George Community Building
245 N 200 W, St George
(Park in the St George Senior Center Parking Lot)
For Food requirements visit: www.vsutah.org or call 435.632.3249
Donations are appreciated.
2.) Monthly Education Program – February 24, 2015 (4th Tuesday monthly):
Vegetarian Society of Utah presents:
6:00 pm
St George Community Building
245 N 200 W, St George
www.vsutah.org or call 435.632.3249
Free program, Donations are appreciated.