Hunter Biden's involvement with a Ukrainian energy company is the real scandal. It's nepotistic crony capitalism, and it reeks.
Hunter Biden’s involvement with a Ukrainian energy company is the real scandal. It’s nepotistic crony capitalism, and it reeks.

Democrats hoisted on their own transcript

Heard it from a friend who / Heard it from a friend who / Heard it from another you been messin’ around —– REO Speedwagon

Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s call for formal impeachment proceedings is not the first time this has happened in Congress. It’s not even the first time President Trump has been threatened with impeachment. It is, however, the first time impeachment has been based on the results of a game of “Telephone” gone wrong.

This spurious “whistleblower” complaint is the brainchild of a leftist CIA operative who was not part of the telephone conversation between Trump and Ukraine President Zelensky. This CIA tool had not even seen a transcript of the conversation. The complaint that finally jump-started impeachment was based solely on a rumor that was distorted in an effort to cause maximum damage to the president.

Initially, I was worried. Not because the Opposition Media had finally gotten a negative Trump story right. I was worried because Trump may have finally gotten it wrong. As I’ve written before, for a man who talks as much as the president does, he is famously inarticulate. Trump wanders around a topic, brings in unrelated information, loses his train of thought, and then concludes. And that’s just in a single sentence. If his teeth started to fall out, he’d be Joe Biden.

My concern was that in an effort to be chummy or topical or through sheer impulsiveness, Trump had finally knotted a word noose that would hang him.

And then to everyone’s consternation, Trump released the transcript. The Left expected him to hold out for months so the mystery transcript could be a central topic of 2020 attacks. Since no one had seen the document, the Left was free to lie without fear of being contradicted. Like “Russia Collusion” until Ahab Mueller stepped in the Schiff.

Instead, Trump destroyed the timeline and the issue.

I’m not one of the die-hard supporters convinced that Trump plays Nine-Dimensional Chess while the rest of us are futzing around on a checkboard. I do believe that Trump knows how to exploit an opportunity when the enemy hands him one.

While the Clown Caucus that comprises the House under Democrat rule was busy negotiating book advances for its inside account of the Impeachment That Brought Trump Down, Melania was finding it impossible to get to sleep Tuesday night because Trump kept doing the Pennywise Victory Dance.

Why? Trump knew what was in the transcript!

To say the transcript didn’t even rise to the level of magic beans insults supernatural legumes. The “whistleblower” transcript doesn’t even have the substance of the gas produced from consuming magic beans.

Trump asks for two “favors” from Zelensky. First, look into Crowdstrike, the firm Hillary Clinton’s DNC hired to investigate the party’s data breach. The FBI was never allowed to examine the “breached” servers. If they still exist in the Ukraine, they could shed important light on the largest voter suppression effort in the history of the USA: The Left’s attempt to nullify the 2016 presidential election.

Second is reopening the investigation into Hunter Biden. Here we have evidence of obstruction of justice, using the diplomatic power of the United States for personal gain, and urging another nation to meddle in our affairs.

We even have a confession from Joe Biden.

In an appearance before the Council on Foreign Relations Biden boasted, “I got a commitment that [Ukraine] would take action against the state prosecutor and they didn’t. [I told them] you’re not getting the billion [in U.S. loan guarantees]. I’m leaving in six hours if the prosecutor isn’t fired you’re not getting the money. Well son of a bitch he got fired and they put in place someone who was solid.” By “solid,” Biden meant a stooge who would drop the investigation into his son.

The investigation Shotgun Joe obstructed was looking into Hunter Biden’s qualifications to serve on the board of a Ukrainian energy company to the tune of $1 million a year.

Hunter doesn’t speak Ukrainian. He knows bupkis about energy. He might be useful if the company decided to expand into cocaine, but that’s it. Hunter’s only real qualification for the job was his father, who was also in charge of aid for the Ukraine. It’s nepotistic crony capitalism, and it reeks.

That’s the real scandal, and it’s going to be a prominent part of any impeachment process involving the transcript. Democrats are going to be forced to make the case that obstructing Ukraine justice for Hunter Biden was perfectly legal while Trump wanting to end the influence-peddling and nepotism cover-up by the Bidens is an impeachable offense.

That’s a crock of Schiff only the Left could swallow.

The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent.

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Michael Shannon
Michael R. Shannon is a public relations and advertising consultant with corporate, government and political experience around the globe. He is a dynamic, entertaining and funny keynote speaker for political, corporate, non–profit and governmental organizations. In addition to his speaking and consulting, Shannon is the author of A Conservative Christian’s Guidebook for Living in Secular Times (Now With Added Humor!) As consultant to The Israel Project, he has made a number of trips to Israel where he worked closely with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in their efforts to promote a positive image of Israel. Shannon has also conducted media and message training workshops for MFA and Israeli Defense Forces spokespersons along with representatives of various non–governmental organizations. During the UN Court trial in The Hague, Shannon worked closely with the MFA in its international media outreach. Shannon teaches message development, crisis communication and public relations for The University of Tennessee – Chattanooga Command College, conducts the political advertising and message section of The University of Virginia's Sorenson Institute and he lectures on message development, politics for the Institute of Political Leadership. He is a regular speaker on political commercials, crisis communication and public relations for Campaigns & Elections magazine. He has also addressed the State Legislative Leaders Foundation, National League of Cities, conducted seminars for Information Management and The University of Arkansas – Little Rock and performed as the keynote speaker for the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. Shannon’s client list includes SAIC; United National Congress (Trinidad & Tobago); Royal Castle, Ltd.; New Generation Imaging; Dry–Clean Depot; Texas Medical Assn.; American Medical Assn.; American Medical Assn. PAC; Indiana State Police Alliance; Minneapolis Federation of Police; St. Paul Police Federation; Northern Virginia Transportation Alliance; The Peterson Companies; Gleaning for the World; various political candidates and elected officials. The work Shannon has done in the radio and television arena has been recognized for both creativity and effectiveness. He is a multiple first place winner in the American Association of Political Consultants Pollie awards. Shannon won back–to–back first place Silver Microphone awards for radio commercials. He is a three–time winner of the prestigious Gold statue at the Houston International Film Festival. Shannon won first place in the Vision Awards for television. He has also won consecutive Silver Microphone awards for best campaign.


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