Image: Miya

Written by Charlotte West

Before starting, it’s important to understand that there is a magnificent vine in a variety of colors great for any landscaping which many refer to as the “sweet potato vine,” but holding true to my passion for vegetable gardens, we are going to learn in this article about the yummy edible sweet potato.

Sweet potatoes need hot, frost-free growing seasons. Usually you can mail order or check with your local nursery to get your slips. Slips are root cuttings. I like to shop my local nursery as I can be assured I am purchasing disease-free slips. Most varieties are ready to harvest in about 110-120 days after planting and do great in our area if planted in late spring or early summer as soon as the soil has warmed up to at least 70 degrees.

They will require well-drained soil and even like a somewhat sandy soil. Make sure to work in some low nitrogen fertilizer before planting. Too much nitrogen will give you a beautiful, lush vine sure to be the envy of your neighbors but not a great vegetable crop. Set your slips so only stem tips and leaves are exposed. Space them about 1 foot apart in rows 3 feet apart. You will need to ensure good drainage and allow for plenty of room. You may even consider row covers to help provide added heat as needed and to help keep out many pests.

You will need to harvest before the first frost. If tops are killed by a sudden frost, you can harvest immediately. Dig carefully to avoid cutting or bruising the roots.

If you want the sweetest of sweet potatoes, that is where time comes in. Flavor improves with storage, as starch is converted to sugar. Let the roots dry in the sun until you can easily brush the soil off. Then cure by storing 10 to 14 days in a warm, humid place around 85 degrees. Then you are ready to store in a cool, dry environment (not below 55 degrees).

Helpful tip: To avoid a buildup of disease organisms in your soil, do not plant sweet potatoes in the same place for more than two years in a row.

May you have sweet success.

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