On Nov. 25 and 26, The Dixie Invitational Soccer Tournament will host 164 youth soccer teams from Idaho, Nevada, and all throughout Utah as the soccer squads compete across 23 fields in Washington County.
“The tournament has grown from just a few teams in its inaugural year (2004) to one of the biggest tournaments in the area,” said tournament director Kariann Atkin.
Funds from the tournament help support the Southern Utah Soccer Association’s recreation league for youth ages 4 to 11.
“This event makes it financially possible for local children to get involved in the recreation league where they can develop skills and decide if soccer is something they want to do more seriously,” Atkin said.
More than 7,500 visitors are expected to converge on the St. George area for the holiday weekend, generating an estimated $4 million for the local economy.
“That’s a great economic boost in the area, but we also appreciate how the event organizers utilize the tournament as a fund raiser to provide the year-round benefits of healthy recreational opportunities for our local youth,” said Kevin Lewis, director of the St. George Area Sports Commission.
The tournament will feature male and female teams with players ranging in age from 6 to 19. The teams are guaranteed three games each with the possibility of a championship game in each division. The venues include the following:
—Sandtown/Bluff Street Park.
—DSU Encampment Mall.
—Little Valley Fields.
—Desert Hills High School.
—Sullivan Soccer Park.
—Dixie Middle School.
—Dixie High School.
—DSU’s Hansen Stadium.
The number of teams in the Dixie Invitational has increased in recent years. The growth in the tournament coincided with the rise of competitive soccer in southern Utah. The number of teams in the area increased from 116 in 2015 to 147 in 2016.
“While Thanksgiving weekend might involve snow shoveling in some areas of the mountain west, in St. George our visitors can warm up and enjoy the sunshine outdoors while their sons and daughters face challenging play on the soccer pitch,” Lewis said.
For a complete tournament schedule and information on venues, visit dixieinvitational.com.