donald trump popular vote political cartoonFrom Clay Jones on his political cartoon “Flying With Fanatics,” Donald Trump, and the popular vote

It’s bad enough having to listen to Trump nuts at family dinners, your local tavern, on the internet, Fox News, etc. Imagine getting stuck next to one on an airplane. One such passenger seated next to a Trump fanatic whipped out her camera and made a video of the guy standing in the aisle shouting at the other passengers. Apparently, Delta Airlines offers seats at window, aisle, and lunatic.

The man asked if there were any “Hillary bitches on the plane,” and continued with “Come on, baby!” “Trump! That’s what I’m talking about. Hey, baby! Donald Trump! He’s your president, every god damn one of you. If you don’t like it, too bad.” Well, we don’t like it, and it is too bad.

There is something about Donald Trump that inspires stupidity to get even louder than usual. The man was allowed to remain on the flight from Atlanta to Allentown, Pennsylvania, which is shocking. Allentown has an airport? Delta eventually banned the guy from their airline for life.

If you think that guy’s crazy, another Trump crackpot is claiming Donald Trump actually won the popular vote if you discard the millions of illegal voters. Oh wait … that Trump crackpot is Donald Trump.

Trump has no evidence there was mass voter fraud or that he won the popular vote. At this point, Hillary Clinton has two million more votes than Trump. It’s pretty bad when the maniacs who love fake news and conspiracy theories include the president-elect. It’s also really weird that the candidate who won is complaining about the results and claiming voter fraud.

The main thing Trump is upset about is the recount effort in a few states that he won by very slim margins. I don’t expect the recount to change the results, but we need to conduct them to find out the truth. When there’s accusations of a foreign government hacking into our system and the results were so different from the polls, it needs to be looked into it.

I’m sure Trump will continue not being presidential and take the occasional break from using the presidency to enrich his corporation and appoint Nazis to his cabinet to tweet out new conspiracy theories.

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