Early Voting Has Begun in Utah and Your Mail-In Ballots Should Have Been Received – Vote Now!
By Josh Warburton
Early voting is but one way southern Utah residents are able to cast their votes. Early voting for most Utah Counties began yesterday, (October 20th), with some counties establishing specific accommodations for residents. Contact your local County Clerks office for more information pertaining to your area.
Early voting in Kane County, Utah – You can cast your vote at the Kane County Clerks Office from 8 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday – until Friday, October 30th.
Early Voting in Washington County, Utah – is as follows:
Tuesday, October 27th, 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Wednesday, October 28th, 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Thursday, October 29th, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Friday, October 30th, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Election Day Voting
Kane County – Vote Center Location
Voters who would prefer to cast their votes on election day can still do that this year. Unlike many previous years, there will not be a voting location in the Orderville/Glendale area but instead, the one location will be in the Commission Chambers at 76 North Main St. in Kanab (Google Maps).
There is an outside drop box at that location where you can drop your ballot anytime until 8 PM on election day. And, even if you are not currently registered to vote in Utah you can register and vote on Election Day as long as you are otherwise qualified to be a Utah voter (see checklist below).
Washington County – Vote Center Location
To prevent the spread of the coronavirus, and to accommodate social distancing requirements, Election Day in-person voting will be held at the:
Dixie Convention Center
1835 Convention Center Dr.
St George UT 84790
(Google Maps)
Polls will open at 7 AM and close at 8 PM on Election Day.
Registration by provisional ballot will also be available.
This Vote Center will have an electronic voting machine available to assist voters with sight or mobility issues. An individual with a disability who is not able to vote a manual ballot by mail may obtain information on voting in an accessible manner from the county’s website (Election Info) or by contacting the county clerk @ 435-986-3399 or you can send an email to elections@utah.gov.
Voting By Mail
All Washington and Kane County active voters should have already received their ballots which were all sent by US Mail last week. I received mine yesterday but I had not checked my mail for a few days and many of my friends expressed they received theirs last week. If you did not receive your ballot by now you should contact the clerk’s office immediately.
Register To Vote
You can still register to vote through this Friday, October 23rd if you qualify to vote in Utah. Or, you will be able to register for provisional voting on November 3rd at any in-person voting location.
Registering To Vote in Utah – Checklist:
- you must be a citizen of the United States.
- you must have resided in Utah for 30 days immediately prior to the next election.
- you must present a picture ID or two forms of non-picture ID’s.
- you must be at least 18 years old on or before the next election (individuals who are 16 and 17 years of age may pre-register to vote; if a 17-year-old will be 18 years of age on or before the upcoming general election, they may pre-register and vote in the primary election)
- A Person who has been convicted of a felony, whose right to vote has not been restored as provided by law may not register to vote while incarcerated. 20A-2-101.5; 20A-2-104; 20A-3-305
You Can Find Additional Voting Information for Utah Here.
Check Your Vote Status
If you want to be sure your ballot has been received and your vote counted you can check your status under “Track My Mail or Provisional Ballot” at vote.utah.gov. You can also find Statewide results for Utah here.
It’s Time To Make a Difference. Let Your Voice Be Heard! – Get Out and Vote!!
If only Josh had won the County Commissioner seat, fair chance we would not be in such a mess. Maybe the next timeline we’ll get it right.