Joe Biden
Biden Insults Half of America – By Dick Wright

Biden Insults Half of America

– By Dick Wright –

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  1. Yeah, because record high inflation, gas prices through the roof, stock markets crashing, crime rampant in the streets, shortages of baby formula, illegal immigration at the border out of control are all great policies by the Biden camp.

  2. The Democrat party is not even an empty shell of what it once was. It has become a haven for Socialists, Communists, and Muslim radicals whose goal is the destruction of this country.


  4. You either need to read a newspaper or watch TV to see what is going on in the world around you. I voted for Biden and have had HUGE regrets ever since. I won’t make that mistake again in 2024. We need Donald Trump back.

    • I miss you being in every phone book. I also remember when living in Indianapolis in the 70’s you could look up Indiana Bell in the white pages by looking up Phone Company and Fone Company.

    • filled with hate because we keep getting all this “progressive” s**t crammed down our throats and now just being white means your racist

    • Dems playing the race card again? Gee, who would have thought it (LOL) So now Republicans are “out and showing their asses.” So why were they “under their rock” before, when Trump was president?
      This article whines about a cartoon insulting half the American population, but Dems like you don’t mind insulting at least half the population (white ,straight, Christian, male)
      I don’t think Trump was a prince, but I’ll take him over Biden any day. I think most Americans agree.

    • Correct! It’s far more than half now. Mr. Biden has certainly helped bring them far more members.
      Did you go to public or private school? I ask because I don’t think your spelling of “haf” is correct, not to mention retaining the “Deplorables” moniker despite how much self-inflicted damage it did to the Democratic party.
      I also find it interesting that despite all the coverage exposing the whole Russian conspiracy and fake Steele dossier agenda as a Democratic smokescreen, many on the Left still need to retain the hoax to facilitate their hatred. Interesting.

  5. Socialism is promised as a good way of life in that all are equal. Some feel that will bring the poor equal with the rich and wealthy. The truth is Socialism will cause all to be equally poor. As in starving.

    • When Socialism led to Communism it was embraced by more than a few nations all around the globe. It then didn’t take very long before it led to the creation of a whole NEW type of government and a new political term: “Communist Dictatorship”. Would seem like a contradiction in terms, but today it’s pretty safe to say that it is exactly what they’ve all become. To me its epitome is that famous photo of the lone Chinese comrade citizen in front of the row of tanks in Tiananmen Square.
      So much for “the People”.
      (PS: the same folks who sent those tanks now send the Bidens $10,000,000 checks).

  6. If only the lefties knew to think and they would be astonished to realize who the brainless actually are????????

  7. I had a low opinion of Trump when he became the president my self
    but than i just wtched the democrat party loose their minds I voted for clinton obama and and didnt vote for trump in 2016 but I SURE VOTED FOR HIM IN 2021 AND WILL NEVER VOTE FOR A DEMOCRAT AGAIN they have lost their way if trump runs again in 2024 he will have my vote and being from Ky and Don’t even like McConnell he will still get my vote

  8. Have voted Libertarian since Trump won the nomination. My conservative friends chastised me for throwing away my vote. My conservative vote in Federal elections as a Californian weren’t worth anything in the first place. We need a strong third-party option. Both Democrats and Republican parties have drifted to the extremes and their interests are in staying in power not serving the American people.

  9. Wonder how long it will take for US to realize both sides are a mess. Nothing but a bunch (with a few exceptions) of finger pointers. Lets vote em all out!


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