Pandora Opens AI Box
– By R.J. Matson –
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I wonder how an advanced Extra Terrestrial civilization perceives this stage of Technological achievement? Let’s hope it is not along the ideas elicited in Cixin Liu’s epic Sci-Fi vision (see Dark Forest in particular). Perhaps it may be more simplistic and “retro” along the lines of Star Trek’s prime directive and a time when galactic intervention takes place. (hmmmm)… Or maybe just an evolutionary paradigm (good or bad.. ) where observation is the protocol – a wait and see.. if the chicken can break out of the egg. Either way… the global race to advance AI does not bode well .. nor does corporate automatons trying to maximize shareholder wealth in regards to this technology bode well… WELL… to quote ole David Bowie from his song Life on Mars (album HUNKY DORY) … ” Look at those cavemen go”
….. IS THERE LIFE ON MARS. .. ? May God have mercy on us all. Time for a 2nd coming… yuh think?
Mickey Mouse has grown up a cow…
Lennon (Lenin) is on sale again..
The silver screen has gone black. ..
Hope .. remains according to the myth… and let’s hope there is more than just hope to get it right.