Elise Mitchell Coaching offers yoga teacher training in 2017Elise Mitchell Coaching is offering a 200-hour yoga instructor training course in southern Utah this year from Jan. 28 to June 4.

“Yoga in the West has become a body-focused exercise industry dressed with mala beads and an often aloof pseudo-spirituality.,” Mitchell said. “My experience teaching in special populations has taught me how crucial it is to be grounded, to be authentically human, and to be well-versed in Vedic and yogic teachings that have been passed down since before the pyramids were built. There is a rich, complex, soul-affirming philosophy and technology at the core of this practice that I feel compelled to share to the best of my ability.”

The training price is $2,499, and admittance can be purchased right up to the start date. More information on the 2017 yoga teacher training course or Elise Mitchell Coaching is available by calling (970) 623-4628 or emailing info@elisemitchellcoaching.com.

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