Fall into ActionFall is upon us. Time to break out the sweaters, scarves, and boots, enjoy the changing of seasons, and curl up in front of a fire or with a warm blanket and a hot cup of cocoa or tea. The colder weather makes me want to whip up a batch of cookies and homemade soup. Fall sweeps in and wraps its arms around us like an old friend bringing with it fond memories and excitement for the coming holiday season. It is about spending extra time with the people who are important, being grateful, and reaching out or donating to someone less fortunate than yourself.

If you are like me fall is also about change. It is a time to evaluate where my life is going, assess the previous year, and make plans for the future. Fall bakes up a fresh batch of sentimentality sprinkled with enthusiasm. It is the meager beginnings of a spark that hopefully lights the way to a renewed optimism and energetic resolutions for the coming year.

Fall is the time of year when we should slow down, take stock, and appreciate everything we have. I know I certainly need to do that on a more consistent basis. It is so easy to get caught up in the busy-ness of life and forget to enjoy the moment. Often when I am making plans for the future or things that I want to accomplish, I forget to be grateful for everything I already have. I forget to enjoy the little things, to be in the moment, and to truly appreciate what is really important.

I need to be reminded and saved from myself often.

Living a life with purpose is about just that. No matter where you have been, what mistakes you have made, or what has happened, you can always start fresh, forgive, reclaim, reinvent, and create the life you desire for yourself. Fall is a great time to be reminded of this. As we see the leaves change, so can we. As things begin to die off or go dormant, we can also shed what is not working in our lives. Fall brings with its crisp cold air a refreshing slap in the face, a gentle reminder to take care of ourselves and to walk with our backs to the wind.

I am not claiming to be telling you anything you probably haven’t already heard or tried before today, but if you are like me, I need to be reminded, supported, and sometimes even pushed a little along the way. I need to fill up on comfort food for thought and be given a little extra warmth wrapped up in a big cozy sweater of encouragement.

So, here goes…
1. You are amazing. You are wonderful, you are smart, and you are perfect just the way you are! You really need to embrace and love yourself for the original one of a kind you and all you’ve overcome or accomplished already in this life. With all your imperfections, inconsistencies, and even the mistakes you’ve made, YOU are still awesome and lovable and deserve happiness.

2. You can do it. You can be, do, and accomplish anything you want. It is never too late. You didn’t miss your chance. You are not too old, too poor, or too any-other-lame-excuse you can come up with, to be what you want to be.

3. Figure it out. Take some time to get clear with yourself about what it is you want. This is most people’s problem. It is really hard to reach your destination if you never know where it is you want to go. Do you have relationships you want to mend? Do you have a degree you want to obtain? Do you have a job or living situation you would like to change? Is there a skill you want to learn? Get real with yourself, get honest, and figure it out.

4. Ask for support. No one can read your mind or know what you need. If you miss someone, tell them. If you need a mentor, ask someone. If you don’t speak up for yourself, people can’t be there to help you. Figure out what it is you need and ask for it.

5. Set yourself up for success. Tell yourself good things. Read things that inspire and motivate you. Share your plans with others. Write it down. Things tend to become real when we write them down, so as rudimentary and simple as this may seem, it really is a very powerful tool. Write down your goals and read them often.

6. Have a plan. Changes or big goals can be overwhelming and cause us to give up before we even get started. Make a plan with mini-goals and steps. Focus on just what you need to do now. Take things one piece at a time. Reward yourself along the way, and have a sense of humor. Things won’t always go “as planned,” but without a plan, things won’t go anywhere at all.

7. Most importantly, believe. Believe in yourself. Believe in others. Believe in optimism and the power of positive thinking. Believe in destiny and true love, and miracles. Believe you have the power to create good things in your life, and I guarantee you will. Things may not always turn out exactly how we plan or how we want them to, but they can always be good.

Fall is here and the seasons are changing. Time marches on whether we want it to or not, so whatever autumn means to you and whatever traditions you have, I hope you start a new one this year by taking some time for yourself. Reflect, restore, and plan. Bake up a yummy batch of inspiration, curl up in front of the fire of reflection, and wrap yourself up in a big warm sweater of encouragement.

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  1. I enjoyed the article very much. We all need to be reminded that Life is about seasons of change. As years and time pass, the changes also change.

    • Its summer now, but I am doing the same. Looking toward the future, how amazing life is, and what comes next. If you are curious, I am thinking of you, loving you, and hoping you are so happy and well. xoxoxox heather


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