gatlinburg wildfires political cartoonFrom Clay Jones on his political cartoon “Gatlinburg Wildfires”

Parts of the South are currently suffering from record droughts, and wildfires are burning in every southeastern state. Wildfires in Gatlinburg and surrounding communities in eastern Tennessee have damaged hundreds of buildings and forced thousands to evacuate their homes overnight. More than 14,000 people have evacuated Gatlinburg alone.

A big cause for all of this is climate change. Drier summers lead to more fires. Ignoring and denying climate change doesn’t work as the world literally will burn around you.

Conservatives love to point at snowfall and cold winters as proof climate change isn’t real and it’s all a big hoax. Republican senator Jim Inhofe is actually the ranking member of the Senate committee for the environment. This knucklehead once threw a snowball on the senate floor to prove climate change doesn’t exist. I challenge Senator Inhofe to take a snowball to Gatlinburg this week and give it a toss there.

Our planet has gone through ages of discovering and enlightenment. I’m concerned that we’re entering one in this nation that’s an age of denial and stupidity.  Stupidity has lobbyists.

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