Have the Billionaires Bought Your Vote Too?
By Harold Pease, Ph.D.
“The fundamental problem in this country is the power that the billionaire class has over the economic and political life of this country….One person, one vote, not billionaires buying elections,” Bernie Sanders told fellow contestants in the Democratic Presidential debates. Elizabeth Warren agreed, “I don’t think any billionaire ought to be able to buy an election. We’ve got billionaires who think they can just buy an election; case in point, Michael Bloomberg.”
They recognized the harm to America when they themselves faced the billionaires. Last December candidate Bloomberg flooded the airways with millions in television ads. He could not buy the nomination because Democratic Party media news outlets told us he was trying to do so and America resisted.
But when Warren added, “And I don’t think people who suck up to billionaires in order to fund their campaigns ought to do it,” they turned on each other like raving wolves. “The mayor just recently had a fundraiser that was held in a wine cave full of crystals and served $900 a bottle of wine. Billionaires in wine caves should not pick the next president of the United States.”
Pete Buttigieg fired back, “This is the problem with issuing purity tests you cannot yourself pass. Senator, your net worth is 100 times mine.” To which Warren sniped back, identifying precisely the problem, they all seek to be purchased by the rich. “I do not sell access to my time. I don’t do call time with millionaires and billionaires” (Tucker Carlson Tonight, Sept. 22, 2020. Hereafter cited TCT). They all dance before the rich to be purchased like slaves on the auction block and they all know it. Moreover, after one is selected all forever remain silent thereafter. They might want to sell themselves again.
Their collective admission should shock America. How long have billionaires picked the candidates? Are the voters also being purchased? The millionaire/billionaire club does not simply disappear. They have selected the primary winners in both major political parties since William McKinley until Donald Trump, who funded his own primary and thus bypassed them and their control. They hate Trump for it.
Deeply frustrated in 2016 because they lost control of the Republican Party and could not in 2020 find a candidate that could beat Trump, even with all their money, two billionaires, Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg, offered themselves late in the presidential primary. Failing to gain traction, even after spending small fortunes, they settled on Joe Biden who was willing to accept the Bernie Sanders socialist political platform complete with the Green New Deal.
So are these billionaires still buying this election and are you helping them? “Michael Bloomberg has promised to spend more than 100 million dollars to make Joe Biden president. One man spending 100 million dollars in a single presidential election.” This attempt to purchase the office of president, that he could not himself win, should offend every American. “Bloomberg is also spending 10s of millions of dollars to elect Democrats to the House of Representatives” (TCT). Remember, he bragged in the debates about his money having “bought” 21 new members of the House of Representatives giving the House to the Democrats and leadership to Nancy Pelosi (Dan Merica, “Bloomberg catches himself from saying he ‘bought’ House races in 2018,” CNN, February 25, 2020).
The story is the same respecting Tom Steyer who “spent more than $230 million since 2014 on his own efforts to influence policy and elections, and has said he will pour at least $100 million into his campaign (Tom Steyer’s mega-millions debate gambit flops: The wealthy Democratic presidential candidate wasn’t able to spend his way into the DNC’s September debate, By Maggie Severns and Steven Shepard, 08/29/2019, POLITICO).
Recently we published the impact of Trump hater George Soros’ money in 2016, 2018, and 2020 elections. He spent $17 million since 2015 alone trying to buy district attorneys, undermining justice in six states by 2016 and 17 states by 2018 creating a revolving door for criminals. “Criminals commit crimes, police arrest them, Soros backed DA’s release them” the next day in time for a repeat performance the next evening. Another billionaire all in for Biden.
In this Bloomberg has joined forces with Soros. Bloomberg recently contributed “$16 million to pay the court fines for 32,000 Hispanic and Black Florida voters and apparently choosing them by race from a felony conviction.” Why? The most obvious reason “it immediately activates 10s of thousands of voters who are predisposed to vote for Joe Biden” (TCT).
The billionaires of Google, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube assist by censoring most, if not all of the above information, closing their platforms by creating algorithms to suppress any information that is harmful to their political interests. They too are all in for Biden.
Tucker Carlson said it best, America “is making a tiny group of people richer than anyone has ever been in human history. Those people suddenly run everything, including our elections. They are subverting our political system, far more brazenly, and with much greater effect than that dastardly Vladimir Putin ever dreamed of doing. Our billionaire class is the real threat to democracy… we’re in a moment now, where a tiny group of the richest people in history are having a widely disproportionate effect on this race” (TCT).
So all the democratic candidates, and Republicans in previous presidential elections as well, “suck up to billionaires in order to fund their campaigns,” as Elizabeth Warren said. The only exception in the last hundred years was Donald Trump who financed his own primary allowing him to vault over the control of the billionaire elite. They hate him because he took power from them and they will do ANYTHING to get it back. Have the billionaires bought your vote too?
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Campaign finance reform must make a comeback or enjoy the obvious plutocracy disguised as a Democracy. The American public would have to fight for it. Not just billionaires but corporations as well need to be addressed. Citizens United and other SCOTUS rulings need to be overwritten with legislation. Simply all funding could be sourced openly through a GO FUND ME type system. No hidden pac groups, and no donations over 1K. Total visibility. Also ban commercials which amount to NLP brainwashing anyway. Town halls and debates would suffice.
Not going to happen anytime soon. Well written and long overdue Harold, as it seems the billionaires are having a Covid party on us as much of the stimulus money ended up in their financial portfolios thanks to the Fed bailing out the bond market – including junk bonds as well. Biggest transfer of wealth ever in a 4 month period.