Georgefest wins a 2017 PRSA Golden Spike AwardThe creators of Georgefest were presented with a 2017 PRSA Golden Spike Award for their research-based approach to developing and adapting a first Friday nightlife event in downtown St. George. Winners were announced Nov. 16 at a Salt Lake City ceremony sponsored by the Greater Salt Lake and Utah Valley chapters of the Public Relations Society of America.

Additionally, Georgefest founder Melynda Thorpe has been invited to present to pop culture academic researchers at two separate conferences. In March 2018, Thorpe is scheduled to present at the National Pop Culture Association Conference in Indianapolis. Her presentation will highlight how a team of southern Utah creatives worked to establish a successful community nightlife event and an iconic brand. Thorpe has also been invited to present her “streetfest” concept and at the 2018 Far West Pop Culture Association Conference in Las Vegas.

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