Give Your Land a Hand – Tree Planting 3/21/2020
Save the date – This Saturday! March 21, 2020, from 9:00 a.m. to noon,
Are you looking for something good to do and set aside the news of the day?
Given all the recent concerns about COVID-19, we have been consulting with County officials to determine if our tree planting event scheduled on 3/21 should still occur. We have decided that the event can continue with a few important cautionary measures. First, this event will be in the open outdoors which will decrease the chances of any spread. Second, we will be splitting up into sub-groups of no more than 10 individuals. Third, we are requesting that all volunteers consider bringing their own work gloves and/or shovels to lessen the chance of spread through shared objects. All of the tree planting locations are located at least 8-10 feet away from each other. Trees could be planted in small teams or individual parties if they want to ensure no contact with others. Additionally, all tree planting locations have been pre-dug and are at least 10 feet apart. Some trees are isolated by 30 or more feet for those who want to maximize their social distance. Hand sanitizer will be available, but we suggest all volunteers carry a travel-sized bottle of hand sanitizer for their personal use.
We urge anyone not to attend if you, or someone you have been in close contact, are feeling any of the symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, difficulty breathing, etc.), or if you have recently traveled to/from an area of high risk. Individuals over 60 and/or with compromised immune systems are also encouraged to not attend as a precaution. Please visit the CDC website (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html) and https://coronavirus.utah.gov/ to get the latest updates on COVID-19 and to learn how to best protect yourself from it and decrease the chance of it spreading. Please note that if you chose to participate in this event, that you are doing so at your own risk.
On March 21, 2020, from 9:00 a.m. to noon, Washington County and its partners will host a tree planting event at Confluence Park, located within Hurricane and La Verkin. Volunteers are needed to rehabilitate the nature park after a fire that occurred last October.
Participants are encouraged to meet at the Confluence Park trailhead located at the end of W. 900 N. in La Verkin. Upon arrival, event organizers will direct volunteers to various pre-dug tree planting locations within Confluence Park.
The Washington County “Give Your Land a Hand” committee will provide most of the tools and materials necessary for this event. TreeUtah has generously donated funds to purchase the trees and will help instruct volunteers on how to properly plant the trees. Participants are asked to bring extra shovels, gloves, water and to wear protective clothing such as boots, hats, long sleeve shirts and long pants.
Please RSVP Randee Sanders if possible so we can begin to organize the sub-groups and locations for the plantings. Also, since containment measures have been changing rapidly, please look for any additional notifications in case it is later determined that this event should be canceled.
Download the activity flyer.
GYLAH Flyer March 21 Confluence Park

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