Written by Cami Cox

Charges have officially been filed against Glenn Tuck Taylor and David Benjamin Hall, both of Highland, Utah. Nicknamed the “goblin topplers,” the two former Boy Scout leaders came under fire last October after a YouTube video showed them pushing over an ancient “goblin,” also known as a hoodoo, in Goblin Valley State Park.

Taylor, age 45, has been charged with criminal mischief. Hall, 42, has been charged with aiding and assisting criminal mischief. Both charges are third-degree felonies.

After the incident became public, the men told reporters they pushed over the goblins because they were fearful the unstable rock formations could fall and injure someone. The men were released from their Boy Scouts of America leadership positions as a result of the incident, which took place during a Boy Scout activity.

Because of this goblin toppling incident, Dixon Pitcher, R-Ogden, is sponsoring a bill he calls “Archeological Amendments” that would enact stiffer penalties for such geological vandalism.

OPINION: Goblin Slayers and the Value of a Landscape

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