Wars often mean death, but that death is generally on some battlefield facing an enemy. But now our military is faced with another kind of death while we languish to find an answer why there are so many Gulf War veterans dying.
Our government has so far failed to find the answer, while scientists already have. The general response from government has been to deny the problem, like it did over Agent Orange. Now it’s the Gulf War Syndrome (GWS). But these maladies exist, and there are too many Gulf War veterans dying from them.

It took until 1994 for a technique called “gene tracking” to discover that many returning Desert Storm veterans were infected with an altered strain of Mycoplasma incognitus, a microbe commonly used in the production of biological weapons. Incorporated into its molecular structure is 40 percent of the HIV protein coat, indicating that it had been man-made. Just like HIV!
So how were our veterans infected with a microbe that became a death sentence for thousands of them?
It’s simply another case of Department of Defense (DOD) screw up. Our veterans were guinea pigs forced to take an unproven, untested drug to assess the effects of bio-warfare agents expected to be used by Saddam Hussein as we invaded Iraq: pyridostigmine bromide pills (nerve agent pre-treatment pills) that actually exacerbated the nerve agent effects of the microbe. But this was only one of three vaccinations the military forced on our veterans. The second was a botulinum toxoid vaccine (also untested and experimental), an anthrax vaccine, and several other experimental vaccines, all forcibly administered to our veterans without their consent.
In the 1991 Gulf War, the war of H. W. Bush, our military was intentionally exposed to experimental drugs and vaccines as well as to biological agents and other dangerous substances because the DOD wanted to study the substances, not their effect on humans. So our Gulf War veterans were subjected to these drugs without their consent. Many were threatened with court marshal and stints in Leavenworth if they refused. Our veterans were guinea pigs for DOD testing drugs and vaccines, and there are now thousands of Gulf War veterans dying.
The DOD has murdered thousands of our citizens with their unethical and criminal conduct in using Gulf War veterans as illegal guinea pigs for experimental drugs and vaccines.
The DOD also admits to conducting “man break” tests, in which they exposed soldiers to chemical weapons to determine how much was necessary to “break a man.” The DOD also has admitted they subjected thousands of soldiers to hallucinogens without their knowledge or consent.
Each of these non-consensual experiments violates the Nuremberg Code, a 10-point code governing human experimentation developed in response to the Holocaust in which the Nazi’s conducted experiments on unwilling subjects. Yet America does the same thing and has since at least the 1930s.
The Nuremberg Code “requires” voluntary and informed consent at all times, including war. Additionally, current U.S. law prevents funds appropriated to the Department of Defense from being used for research involving human subjects as experimental unless informed consent of the subject is obtained in advance and freely given.
We should never forget that going back to the 1950s, LSD and other hallucinogens were given to our military servicemen without their knowledge or consent. In other words, the U.S. government believes they own our military men and women and do not need their consent to experiment on them.

During the first Gulf War, tens of thousands of our military personnel received a highly experimental anthrax vaccine that contained a dangerous adjuvant called squalene. Squalene has been linked to serious neurological damage, and its side effects are fatigue, headache, and other symptoms of GWS that our troops developed.
A study by Tulane University scientists found that 95 percent of the Gulf War veterans studied with GWS had antibodies to squalene in their systems, and buried deep in that report was an even more shocking finding that our government buried.
Researchers discovered that many of the men and women with GWS also showed signs of early symptoms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease. Two Navy officers developed ALS and died shortly after getting their anthrax vaccines. Four studies have found evidence of the increased risk of ALS in military veterans. It’s a neurological disease that slowly strips away all muscle control. There’s no cure, and it’s always fatal.
Additionally research led by Vancouver neuroscientist Chris Shaw found a link between the aluminum hydroxide used in vaccines and symptoms associated with Parkinson’s, ALS, and Alzheimer’s. For 80 years, doctors have injected patients with aluminum hydroxide, an adjuvant that stimulates immune response and now a known cause of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. And we wonder why these diseases are gaining a big foothold in our society.
The CDC acknowledges aluminum hydroxide is currently an adjuvant used in vaccines but declares they are safe, contradicting scientific evidence.
Shaw and his four-scientist team from UBC and Louisiana State University injected mice with the anthrax vaccine given to our first Gulf War veterans (without their consent). Because GWS looked a lot like ALS, Shaw believed they had a chance to isolate a possible cause. All troops were vaccinated with an aluminum hydroxide compound. Whether deployed or not, they developed similar symptoms at a similar rate. So it wasn’t due to Saddam Hussein. GWS was caused by our own government and its required vaccinations.
Shaw’s study with mice found a correlation: they found that after 20 weeks, there was a 38 percent increases in anxiety, severe memory deficits, and an allergic skin reaction. Tissue samples after the mice were euthanized showed neurological cells inside the mice’s brains, were dying in the part that controls movement. The cells were destroying themselves.
ALS has been responsible for placing Americans veterans who survived combat in wheelchairs with full paralysis and is a death sentence that has become a new cost of war. There are many Gulf War veterans dying of ALS.
Identified as GWS, the DOD, the FDA, the VA and the CIA have interfered in finding the cause of this disease, which affects literally thousands of our veterans mainly from the Gulf War in 1991. Read page one of the summary (House Report 105-388) here.
Since 2008, more than 6,500 veterans have developed ALS, yet more then half of veterans tested were found to have bacteria, viruses, and foreign substances in their systems, which also places them at risk.
Our veterans have been systematically subjected to toxic exposures. In 1997, Congress required research to measure the health effects of sustained low-dose exposure to the combinations of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and environmental toxins to which Gulf War veterans were exposed.
The 1997 findings by the House report identified the following:
The VA and DOD did not take seriously the complaints of sick Gulf War veterans, and there were a variety of toxic agents in the Gulf War theater. That strongly suggests that exposures to the toxins trigged or amplified subsequent service-connected illnesses. Additionally, Gulf War veterans were exposed to depleted uranium dust without proper protection and subjected to pyridostigmine-bromide-containing anti-nerve pills that were to protect the veterans from anthrax exposure. They can have serious side effects and interactions when taken in combination with other drugs or vaccines or with chemical exposures, heat, or physical exercise.
Although as usual the VA denies the causal effects of pyridostigmine bromide and ALS, the very question of the VA itself taking responsibility has always been an issue.
In August 1990, the DOD contacted the FDA to obtain a waiver for consent of veterans the DOD planned to use these experimental drugs and vaccines on.
That waiver was granted.
So far, between 100,000 to 200,000 veterans express symptoms with approximately 15,000 dead. This does not include wives, children, or other family members, friends, or associates (secondary infectees) who are sick, disabled, dying, or dead.
Estimates are that half of all Desert Storm veterans may now test positive for mycoplasma fermentans (incognitus). A large percent of all GWS victims may ultimately die from the disease or by suicide.
While whole families are ill, the numbers don’t include babies stillborn or severely deformed like the thalidomide babies of the ’50s. Some of the babies are born with one or more limbs missing, a missing eye, or other deformities. It is now estimated that a large percent of babies born to infected veterans are being born deformed and or with birth problems.
Life magazine featured a special report in November 1995 entitled “The Tiny Victims of Desert Storm,” which described in heart-rending detail (with numerous photos) how the children of our veterans are being born with horrendous birth defects. The article was subtitled, “When our soldiers risked their lives in the Gulf, they never imagined that their children might suffer the consequences — or that their country would turn its back on them.”
Thalidomide was another experimental drug administered to pregnant mothers.
Meanwhile, the DOD is working overtime to cover up the crisis with Gulf War babies, denying (as usual) that it exists, denying benefits or medical assistance to veterans with birth defected children, and even going so far as to censor the Life article cited above off of the Internet.
Always remember these words from Ronald Reagan: ”The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”
Very interesting article Mr. Fern. Talk about hanging dirty laundry out on the line. One really never knows who their true friends or supporters are.
Reminds me of similar rumors that the AID virus was developed, then tested (not in neighborhoods of monkeys but in the homosexual infested communities in the seventies/ eighties. (Just rumors and propaganda?).
Down Winders in our area took a bullet for mankind’s advancement as well. But, as one of our favorite Presidents once said, ‘Don’t ask what the country can do for you, ask what you can do for the country’. A resent newer quote? ‘Gosh, What difference does it really make’?
You can try to discredit this article but it is true . I’m not sure if you are a gulf war veteran but I’m guess not. I was given the pb tablets . We had to stand in formation every day and take them , it wasn’t a choice . I was also given all of the vaccines and I can tell you that my life hasn’t been the same sense . But the worst thing is what they did to my daughter Hana . Sue was born in 1995 and has complications right from the start . I have older daughters who where born before her with no problems they where born I 1986, 1988, and 1990 with no complications so when Hana started having problems I didn’t know why . It took me a little while to figure it out but I did . The article is only giving you the statistics. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what’s going on . I have had all of these terrible symptoms and I’m 56
Jack, thank you, from the bottom of my heart for having the courage to write this article. I’m saddened by the fact that most of our mainstream media have chosen to join DOD, CIA, and DIA in burying their heads in the sand where Gulf War Illness is concerned.
Semper Fi
David K. Winnett, Jr.
Captain, USMC (Ret.)
Programmatic Review Panelist,
Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs for Gulf War Illness Research
one factor in the toxic mess is du as i wrote:
The Health and Environmental Effects of Uranium Munitions- Report for Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, Apostolic Nuncio, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations Office and other International Observations.
Prepared by:
Doug Rokke; Ph.D.; Major, retired/disabled; U.S. Army
former Director, U.S. Army Depleted Uranium project
December 13 , 2008
2737 CR 1200 E
Rantoul, Illinois 61866
United States of America
217 643 6205
The continued use and prior use of uranium munitions is causing adverse health and environmental effects that are being ignored by the leaders those nations and their military commanders who are responsible for uranium weapons use.
During the summer of 1991, the United States military had collected artillery, tanks, Bradley fighting vehicles, conventional and unconventional munitions, trucks, etc. at Camp Doha in Kuwait. As result of carelessness this weapons depot caught fire with consequent catastrophic explosions resulting in death, injury, illness and extensive environmental contamination from depleted uranium and conventional explosives. Recently the emirate of Kuwait required the United States Department of Defense to remove the contamination. Consequently, over 6,700 tons of contaminated soil sand and other residue was collected and has been shipped back to the United States for burial by American Ecology at Boise Idaho. When Bob Nichols, an investigative journalist, and I contacted American Ecology we found out that they had absolutely no knowledge of U.S. Army Regulation 700-48, U.S. Army PAM 700-48, U.S. Army Technical Bulletin 9-1300-278, and all of the medical orders dealing with depleted uranium contamination, environmental remediation procedures, safety, and medical care . They had never heard of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency guidelines for dealing with mixed – hazardous waste such as radioactive materials and conventional explosives byproducts. (reference “Approaches for the Remediation of Federal Facility Sites Contaminated with Explosives or Radioactive Wastes”, EPA/625/R-93/013, September 1993). The shipment across the ocean, unloading at Longview, Washington State port, transport by rail, and burial in Idaho endangers not only the residents of these areas but poses a significant agricultural threat through introduction of pests, microbes, etc. foreign to our nation.
Sadly the known adverse health and environmental hazards from uranium weapons contamination also are prevalent throughout the United States. The Environmental Protection Agency has listed the former Nuclear Metals- Starmet uranium weapons manufacturing site in Concord Massachuetts on EPA’s Superfund National Priority List because it poses a significant risk to public health and the environment. Consequently the community in which the United States was born on April 18, 1775 is now the location of America’s own closed dirty bomb factory that will endanger the health and safety of the descendants of our original patriots- “the Minutemen”. The closed “National Lead” uranium weapons manufacturing site in Albany New York also poses a significant health and environmental risk. There is also substantial uranium weapons contamination as a consequence of combat training, manufacturing, or research operations in Maryland, Nevada, Hawaii, Florida, Indiana, Tennessee, New Hampshire, Texas, and Puerto Rico. In all probability uranium weapons contamination is abundant throughout United States weapons firing ranges and those ranges located throughout Europe.
The previous delivery of at least 100 GBU 28 bunker busters bombs containing depleted uranium warheads by the United States and their use by Israel against Lebanese targets during 2006 has resulted in additional radioactive and chemical toxic contamination with consequent adverse health and environmental effects throughout the middle east. Israeli tank gunners are also using depleted uranium tank rounds as photographs verify.
Today, United States, British, Canadian, Australian, and Israeli military personnel are using illegal uranium munitions- their own “dirty bombs” while U.S. Army, U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of Defense, British Ministry of Defence, Canadian Ministry of Defence, Australian Defence Ministry, and Israeli officials deny that there are any adverse health and environmental effects as a consequence of the manufacture, testing, and/or use of uranium munitions to avoid liability for the willful and illegal dispersal of a radioactive toxic material – depleted uranium. This directly contradicted by internal United States Department of Defense documents such as the Pentagon briefing given by Colonel J. Edgar Wakayama, Director of the Operational Test and Evaluation Command (http://www.traprockpeace.org/du_dtic_wakayama_Aug2002.html) that confirms not only lung cancer but other serious medical problems such as respiratory, eye, skin, genetic abnormalities, and specific warnings about food, water, air, and soil contamination. It is critical to understand that Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Army Walker ordered the Director of the United States Army Environmental Policy Institute to determine how to reduce the toxicity of uranium munitions and the reported conclusion was that quote “Ways to Reduce DU Toxicity No available technology can significantly change the inherent chemical and radiological toxicity of DU. These are intrinsic properties of uranium. “ end quote. The United States Department of Veterans Affairs VISN 11 recently distributed a booklet “Some things you need to know about veterans- A Clinicians Guide to Veteran’s Specific Issues” in which they state quote:
“Some of the physical symptoms which may occur as a result of exposure to depleted uranium are: sleep problems, mood swings, symptoms in upper or lower respiratory system, neuropsychological symptoms (including memory loss), chronic fatigue and immune system dysfunction (CFDIS), skin rashes and unusual hair loss, aching joints, headaches, abdominal pain, sensitivity to light, blurred vision, menstrual disorders, gastrointestinal symptoms (recurrent diarrhea), nervous disorders (such as numbness in a limb), multiple chemical sensitivity, birth defects in children whose parents were exposed.” End quote
The use of uranium weapons (radioactive chemically toxic dirty bombs) is absolutely unacceptable, and a crime against humanity because they do not discriminate between combatants and noncombatants; they permanently contaminate air, water, soil, and food; and they can not be cleaned up to restore contaminated areas to pre-war or pre-uranium use conditions that would allow unrestricted use of the area. The intended use of uranium weapons while ignoring all adverse health and environmental effects was specified in the March 1, 1991 Los Alamos memo even while the March 1991 memo from the Defense Nuclear Agency warned of serious hazards (http://www.traprockpeace.org/twomemos.html). Consequently the citizens of the world and all governments must force cessation of uranium weapons use. I demand that Israel now provide medical care to all DU casualties in Lebanon and clean up all DU contamination.
Simply, U.S., British, Australian, Canadian, and Israeli officials arrogantly refuse to comply with regulations, orders, and directives that require officials to provide prompt and effective medical care to “all” exposed individuals. Reference: Medical Management of Unusual Depleted Uranium Casualties, DOD, Pentagon, 10/14/93, Medical Management of Army personnel Exposed to Depleted Uranium (DU) Headquarters, U.S. Army Medical Command 29 April 2004, and section 2-5 of U.S. Army Regulation 700-48.
They also refuse to clean up dispersed radioactive Contamination as required by Army Regulation- AR 700-48: “Management of Equipment Contaminated With Depleted Uranium or Radioactive Commodities” (Headquarters, Department Of The Army, Washington, D.C., September 2002) and U.S. Army Technical Bulletin- TB 9-1300-278: “Guidelines For Safe Response To Handling, Storage, And Transportation Accidents Involving Army Tank Munitions Or Armor Which Contain Depleted Uranium” (Headquarters, Department Of The Army, Washington, D.C., JULY 1996). Specifically section 2-4 of United States Army Regulation-AR 700-48 dated September 16, 2002 requires that:
(1) “Military personnel “identify, segregate, isolate, secure, and label all RCE” (radiologically contaminated equipment).
(2) “Procedures to minimize the spread of radioactivity will be implemented as soon as possible.”
(3) “Radioactive material and waste will not be locally disposed of through burial, submersion, incineration, destruction in place, or abandonment” and
(4) “All equipment, to include captured or combat RCE, will be surveyed, packaged, retrograded, decontaminated and released IAW Technical Bulletin 9-1300-278, DA PAM 700-48” (Note: Maximum exposure limits are specified in Appendix F).
United States Department of Defense leaders are not showing the depleted uranium training tapes to military personnel. These three video tapes: (1) “Depleted Uranium Hazard Awareness”, (2) “Contaminated and Damaged Equipment Management”, and (3) “Operation of the AN/PDR 77 Radiac Set” are essential to understanding the hazards from the use of uranium weapons and management of uranium weapons contamination. These educational videos must shown to not only United States but all military personnel from every nation that is involved in use of uranium munitions and the consequent management of uranium contamination.
The previous and current use of uranium weapons, the release of radioactive components in destroyed U.S. and foreign military equipment, and releases of industrial, medical, research facility radioactive materials have resulted in unacceptable exposures. Therefore, decontamination must be completed as required by United States Army Regulation 700-48 that includes not only uranium weapons but releases of all radioactive materials resulting from military operations.
The extent of adverse health and environmental effects of uranium weapons contamination is not limited to combat zones in the Balkans, Iraq, and Afghanistan but includes facilities and sites where uranium weapons were manufactured or tested including Vieques; Puerto Rico; Colonie, New York; Concord, MA; Jefferson Proving Grounds, Indiana; and Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. Therefore medical care must be provided by the United States Department of Defense officials to all civilians and military personnel affected by the manufacturing, testing, research, and/or use of uranium munitions. Thorough environmental remediation also must be completed without further delay.
I am disgusted that seventeen years after I was tasked to clean up the depleted uranium mess from Gulf War 1 and over thirteen years since I completed the depleted uranium project that United States Department of Defense officials and others still attempt to justify uranium munitions use while refusing to provide mandatory medical care and complete mandatory environmental remediation. Sadly, Department of Defense, Department of Energy, and Department of Veterans Affairs officials, and their representatives continue personal attacks aimed to silence or discredit those of us who demand that medical care be provided to all DU casualties and that environmental remediation be completed in compliance with U.S. Army Regulation 700-48. But beyond the ignored mandatory actions the willful dispersal of tons of solid radioactive and chemically toxic munitions contamination in the form of uranium munitions is illegal (http://www.traprockpeace.org/karen_parker_du_illegality.pdf) and just does not even pass the common sense test. According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, DHS, uranium munitions are dirty bomb. DHS issued “dirty bomb” response guidelines, http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/aces/fr-cont.html, on January 3, 2006 for incidents within the United States but ignore DOD use of uranium weapons and existing DOD regulations. These guidelines specifically state that: “Characteristics of RDD and IND Incidents: A radiological incident is defined as an event or series of events, deliberate or accidental, leading to the release, or potential release, into the environment of radioactive material in sufficient quantity to warrant consideration of protective actions. Use of an RDD or IND is an act of terror that produces a radiological incident.” Thus the use of uranium munitions is “an act or terror” as defined by DHS. Finally continued compliance with the infamous March 1991 Los Alamos Memorandum that was issued to ensure continued use of uranium munitions can not be justified.
Specific actions to mitigate the adverse health and environmental effects caused by the previous and current use of uranium munitions must be implemented. The leaders of the nations who have used and are using uranium munitions must acknowledge and accept responsibility for willful use of illegal uranium munitions- their own “dirty bombs”- resulting in adverse health and environmental effects.
They must order:
1. medical care for all civilian, combatant, and noncombatant casualties,
2. thorough environmental remediation,
3. immediate cessation of retaliation against all individuals who demand compliance with medical care and environmental remediation requirements,
4. and stopping the already illegal the use (UN finding) of depleted uranium munitions.
I pray that you and our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI will able to provide some influence to stimulate leaders of nations responsible for the uranium weapons catastrophe to finally provide medical care to all casualties and to complete environmental remediation. I pray that we can finally encourage the leaders all nations to never use uranium munitions again. I pray that you will join me in my hope for Divine intervention. I pray that together we can motivate God’s children, the citizens of all nations, to live together in peace. In conclusion I wish to quote Archbishop Tutu’s comments to the United Nations Human Rights Council on September 18, 2008; “God is hoping that somehow you will help to make God’s world a more gentle place, more compassionate place, a more caring place. And God has no one except such as you. I pray that you will be able to fulfill this high calling. It is a high calling. It is a divinely given vocation.” I have accepted this calling but I pray for your help and assistance. I pray for God’s assistance.
References- The following web sites provide copies of the actual regulations and orders and other pertinent official documents related to the use of uranium weapons and mandatory but ignored response to the adverse health and environmental effects. I will also send copies of these documents these as attachments. The web site reference to http://www.traprockpeace.org/du_dtic_wakayama_Aug2002.html is a copy of a hidden internal United States Department of Defense briefing given by Colonel J. Edgar Wakayama that confirms adverse health and environmental effects.
http://www.boston.com/news/local/articles/2008/05/15/razing_urged_for_waste_site/ http://www.tdn.com/articles/2008/04/29/area_news/doc4816651072f72767559743.txt>
Photo by David Silverman (Getty Images ) Image 71440735 http://editorial.gettyimages.com
Usually three times a year, the Research Advisory Commitee for Gulf War Illness meets. Myself and three men I served with in Desert Shield/Desert Storm attend these meetings along with various other men and women who were in country. In your article you mention more than a few times DOD. At the RAC meetings there is always an officer from DOD in the back of the room. Coincidence???? I think not.
Thank you Mr Ferm for not forgetting us.
Michael R. Rupert
Thank you Jack so much for this article. My husband was in Gulf War, one of the first ones in and the last ones out. He had told me yrs ago about how they made him take vaccines and pills and would not tell what they were then after he got his he had to go to his unit and make them take their pills and vaccines. During the war he had to go into the bunkers where the Iraqi’s mixed the chemicals that were used on our guys. He developed the “Gulf War Rash” and now his skin is sensitive to everything. You said ALS is one of the common diseases the guys are getting and I looked up the symptoms and my husband has almost everyone and he has been getting worse over the past 6 months. I am now going to take him to a dr outside of the VA to be tested. They keep saying there is nothing wrong even though he shakes really bad and with his hands I’m surprised he can hold on to anything and he has been falling several times a month his speech has been at times where I can barely understand him and on and on. Thank you again!
Don’t trust the VA
Yes we’re all dying some faster than others. They made us take the pills n vaccine shots. How could they do this to us. A dam shame.
You need to geta referal to the nuerology dept.nearest you that specializes in muscular dystrophy and als style illnesses the clinic in maine. refers to boston where they handled these illnesses as with outside hospitals care So if local VA can’t help you have them refer you to a va or public clinic that specializes in neuromuscular diseases quickly
As a female U S M C vet, my husband and I received theses medications, in various forms. Yes, we are ill, and yes my kids have learning disabilities, when will they receive care and compensation? Personally, I have applied for disability, and have been denied. Why? I can never be well again.
This is a very interesting and informative article. How about all the soldiers, sailors, and marines that went down range in OIF/OEF? I’m just asking since I was deployed in 2007 and my son was born with one kidney in 2013. I received 3 anthrax injections before deployment.
After all these years I’m getting worse n worse struggling not to take my own life. I live in Indianapolis Indiana and the best they can do is ( the stomach flu ) I’m slowly losing this battle. Trying my best to hold on.
HI Jeffrey,
I’m with you. I had off and on issues after the war. In 2016, everything increased and the cognitive and neurological issues came more into play. I have fatigue, weakness, muscle atrophy, joint issues, memory and concentration issues. I have fought hard but still feel myself struggling more and more. My illness has deeply affected my family, in both physical ways as well as psychologically.
Hang in there brothers and sisters.
Bob Ives
Sgt/E-5 1st Infantry 4/5 artillery
Desert Storm
I to served in Desert Storm the first one, I received my shots and vaccinations in Fort Bragg before I shipped overseas. While in country, there was a series of five injections that we were supposed to get. I asked the major who is giving the injections, “ What is this going to do”, he replied with “this is supposed to counteract any chemical attacks”. I said “supposed to, or will” I only received one injection in country, and refused to show up for the rest. My thought process on this was simply, if it is supposed to counteract and they’re not sure, I would rather die quickly from being exposed then to be a guinea pig and prolong a death. I do not have any golf war illnesses . I am going to be 53 this year, and I just have the aches and pains of growing old. But the satisfaction of serving my country
We made the move.
My husband and I were both in service at that time. He deployed first and had to take all of those shots, as well as P.B. tablets. A few years later, he started having seizures. The VA calls it an undiagnosed seizure disorder but refuses to link it to his service. He never had them prior and never had any head injury that would cause any neurological abnormality. He has to take meds for the rest of his life as well now and can not get a disability for it. If you add this to his memory loss ( that he refuses to admit) his sleep apnoea, and a few other problems he brought home, you have a nice little package of neurological problems that the Military is responsible for but is denying for is as well.
I served in OEF/OIF. You didn’t mention these deployments but I suffer from a lot of these symptoms (rash, joint pains etc.). I have always been healthy and now all I do is go back and forth to doctors and they seem to not understand what is wrong with me.
Now that I read this makes me very concerned.
You hit the nail on the head Sir. I’m a gwv who’s sick from the forced vaccines in 91. Excellent excellent article. Thank you! We need justice now and our back pay!!