This is a double recipe (which can easily be cut in half). I took the original that used only sunflower seeds and half of the rest of the ingredients and because I like the taste of almonds I added them in equal parts. I have made them separate and found I like this combo the best. Enjoy!
1 cup sunflower seeds, soaked 1 hour
1 cup almonds, soaked 1 hour
4 sweet pickles, coarsely chopped (no high fructose corn syrup)
4 stalks celery, coarsely chopped
1 cup carrots, coarsely chopped
2 large Medjool dates, pitted
2 – 4 tsp dulse flakes or Kelp powder (I used Kelp)
1 Tbs mellow white miso
1 – 2 green onion (scallions) using some of the green
1. Divide soaked seeds/nuts in half. Set aside one.
2. In food processor pulse the other half of the seeds/nuts until fine
3. Place in blender: pickles, celery, carrots, dates, Kelp, miso, (beans, if using) and onions. If too thick add small amounts of water at a time. Don’t want them to be runny.
4. Combine everything in the food processor to desired consistency.
5. If making “balls” use a 1 inch scooper.
Yield: 4 1/2 cups
For more nutrients and less fat use 1 cup white beans and only 1/2 cup seeds and 1/2 nuts.
Serving options:
Wraps in collard or romaine leaves
Veggie dip
Mock tuna sandwich on bread or cracker
Serve as balls on a bed of mustard greens, red and green leafy lettuce as I have done.
For an “eggy” taste – When served sprinkle on Black Salt Powder (from India)
As an hors d’oeuvres
Author: Barbara J Mathison, CHC; www.nutritiousway.info
Barbara J. Mathison changed her life and body when she became vegan at age 63, losing weight and gaining health. She now dedicates her life to her company, Nutritious Way, and spreading the word about the incredible benefits of the whole food plant-based lifestyle.