From Clay Jones on his political cartoon “Hillary’s Health Scare,” concerns over Hillary Clinton’s health, and how he thinks it’s a conspiracy
The current arguments against Hillary Clinton must not be good enough reasons for people to vote against her. The GOP is pushing the narrative that she’s a liar despite the fact they have a nominee that only tells the truth about 90 percent of the time. They’re still pushing the email server issue and the Clinton Foundation and are pressing for more investigations. After 20 years they haven’t let go of her husband’s infidelity issues. Still, none of that is good enough for Republicans because they’re falling back on conspiracy theories and making stuff up.
Over the past couple of weeks, they were whispering rumors about her health. The biggest conspiracy lovers among them were sharing pictures of Clinton being helped up some steps as if she was an invalid. Never mind that we actually had a president who was in a wheelchair and another who continued to serve after suffering a stroke that rendered him paralyzed (you get bonus points today if you know which president that is without Googling for the answer).
Those whispers have now turned into shouts. Donald Trump himself has questioned his physical and mental health, which is obvious he’s reflecting his own condition. Now he’s released one of his favorite attack dogs, who traded in his credibility and dignity a few years ago, to make a case out of the health issue.
Rudy 9/11 Giuliani is now scaring up talk over Clinton’s health. This is the same guy who ran for president after beating prostrate cancer.
This is the new birtherism, and the birthers are now healthers. That means they don’t need facts. They just need someone to say it and a few rabid right-wing websites to bark it out.
These healthers are using junk science and conspiracy theories to argue that Clinton is suffering from brain injuries. Why don’t they just say she’s growing a tail? Giuliani claims the media is hiding evidence about the former Secretary of State’s health and that people should go online to find the truth. If you Google about Clinton’s health what you’ll find is Giuliani spreading theories about Clinton’s health. This stuff is almost as far-fetched as saying Chelsea had four plastic surgeries to hide that Bill isn’t her real father … wait. Someone is pushing that too. At what point do extra terrestrials enter into this?
There is not any evidence here or anything to hide. Clinton’s physician, the only person to speak on the record who has actually examined her, has repeatedly affirmed her health and physical fitness.
Meanwhile Donald Trump’s physician who released a letter affirming the GOP nominee’s fitness isn’t a general practitioner, but a gastroenterologist. He doesn’t mention if he gave Trump a colonoscopy, but in fairness, if you had to perform that procedure on Trump you’d probably want to forget it also.
The really weird part of this ass doctor’s letter is where he wrote “if elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.” Why would a doctor say that? Did this doc travel through time and look up Mallard Fillmore’s bum? Can he tell us how much corn he found in William Henry Harrison’s stool? And what about Taft? That was one serious fat bastard, but Trump would still be older than him if elected. I find it hard to believe The Donald could be healthier than JFK or Teddy Roosevelt. Even Reagan, who is our oldest president, physically walked into the hospital after he was shot. Trump let bone spurs keep him out of Vietnam and probably wouldn’t be capable of walking into a clinic if he had a splinter. By the way, Teddy was shot while giving a speech, and he continued and finished his speech.
I would totally be raising my eyebrows and give health conspiracies another look if Clinton’s letter from a physician was worded the same as Trump’s. Trump’s letter, which used the word “positive” makes you question how many venereal diseases he’s acquired throughout his life. Quite frankly, I want to know if my president has herpes.
I do believe a candidate’s age and health are fair issues to discuss to a point. It was fair to question Reagan and McCain’s age and health. It’s fair to ask about Clinton’s. It’s even more fair to ask about Donald Trump, who is two years older than Clinton. After the answers are given, it’s time to let it go and maybe focus on actual issues.
If we want to start conspiracy theories about stuff we don’t have information on, let’s talk about Trump’s taxes. Is he in the mafia? Accepted bribes from the KGB? Financed Justin Beiber’s first album? We need to know what sort of maniac we’re electing.
None of this conspiracy crap is surprising. At least with the Swift Boaters smear campaign, the candidate was separated from it. In this case we have a nominee who cites the National Enquirer, spreads rumors that Ted Cruz’s dad was in on the JFK assassination and Obama was born in Kenya, and now wants to know if Mika and Joe from Morning Joe are bumping uglies.
In other news, more than 14,000 additional emails are about to be released from Hillary Clinton’s time as Secretary. This may not give her a heart attack, but it could possibly raise the blood pressure of her supporters.
For the answer on which president suffered the stroke, it was Woodrow Wilson. Did you cheat?
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