Change to Mountain Bikers’ Access to Lower JEM Trail
[Virgin, Utah] The Nature Conservancy, the new owner of the Sheep Bridge Nature Preserve, has an important announcement for mountain bikers who wish to park and access the JEM Trail: access and day-use parking for all portions of the JEM Trail is only permitted from designated BLM trailheads.
The BLM has established three trailheads that access the JEM and other Hurricane Cliffs trails. The closest is the “Sheep Bridge Trailhead,” located 2 miles south of the preserve on Sheep Bridge Road, halfway between SR 9 and SR 59. (GPS coordinates: 37.179596054414134, -113.2385920345773). This trailhead has ample parking, restrooms, and trail maps. Riders can also access the system at the Hurricane Cliff Trail head located at SR 59 and Sheep Bridge Road, or at the Upper JEM Trailhead.
The JEM trail has been in existence since the mid-90s. It was created without landowner approvals. Many riders have assumed that the entire system was located on public lands, but the Lower JEM access and a portion of the Lower JEM Trail are located on private property.
Having bikers access the JEM Trail only at BLM trailheads is part of The Nature Conservancy’s creation of a new walking trail system at the Sheep Bridge Nature Preserve that is designed to help everyone enjoy the area’s natural wonders while also minimizing impacts to sensitive and biologically rich plant and animal habitat along the river corridor.
The Nature Conservancy is pleased to be able to leave access open to the portion of the JEM Trail that crosses through its Sheep Bridge Nature Preserve. However, the JEM Trail is now designated as a directional trail. Riders will travel downhill on the current trail and return via the newly constructed Carne Asada trail. This new trail is also directional for mountain biking and provides a loop to return riders back to the BLM network.
In June 2020, The Nature Conservancy joined forces with the Virgin River Land Preservation Association, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and others to purchase 419-acre, newly-created Sheep Bridge Nature Preserve. Now that this property is preserved, it will be managed as one of the “best of the best” portions of the Virgin River ecosystem. In addition to protecting the critical fish and wildlife habitat, The Nature Conservancy’s purchase of the Sheep Bridge Nature Preserve will ensure the property supports some public access on designated hiking and biking trails to allow visitation and responsible recreation.
“We’re looking at spring 2023 for a finalization of our new visitor trails and signage at the Sheep Bridge Nature Preserve,” says Elaine York, The Nature Conservancy’s West Desert Regional Director. “We’re thrilled to work with many local partners and neighbors to ensure this special place remains vibrant and healthy for both nature and people.”
For nearly a decade, The Nature Conservancy has been focused on the Virgin River, working with partners to restore streamside habitat and explore agricultural efficiency projects that will benefit farmers and ranchers while keeping water instream for fish and birds.
For questions or maps regarding the JEM Trail, visit: https://www.blm.gov/visit/jem-trail.
About The Nature Conservancy in Utah: From Salt Lake City to St. George, The Nature Conservancy has been protecting Utah’s unique natural resources since 1984. Guided by science, we create innovative, on-the-ground solutions to the world’s toughest challenges so people and nature can thrive together. Working with partners, we are tackling climate change and conserving land and water at an unprecedented scale. We engage community members to help make a difference in our natural world to maintain our high quality of life.