On Tuesday, Nov. 10, at 6:30 p.m., the Heritage Writers Guild will welcome as a guest speaker Dixie State University assistant professor of English Jim Haendiges. In addition to his teaching duties, Haendiges is the faculty adviser for the southern Utah literary journal, “The Southern Quill,” which is accepting submissions for the 2016 edition of the journal until Feb. 1. Haendiges will discuss the journal and the review process during his presentation. The event will take place downstairs in the St. George Library.
Haendiges teaches courses in technical and professional writing, with emphasis in business writing, document design, and writing for multimedia. He grew up in Whittier, Calif., and attended Cal State University, Long Beach where he received his bachelor’s degree in English literature.
After a brief stint as a technical writer, he received his master’s and doctorate in rhetoric and composition from Washington State University. His dissertation focused on how college students negotiate the digital interface of the computer to transcend traditional design and semiotics in composition courses.
Haendiges investigated the interface of comic book creation software that combines playful and serious tone in writing with alphabetic text and images to create a multimodal argument. His writing interests include academic explorations into visual and sensorial literacy and creative nonfiction.
Heritage Writers Guild, a nonprofit organization, is the southern Utah branch of the League of Utah Writers. This seminar is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Jon Thompson at (435) 216-8837, or email jontwrites@gmail.com.