Biden Is Worse than Jimmie Carter
– By Howard Sierer –
Jimmie Carter is frequently ranked as the worst president of the last 90 years; Biden is demonstrably worse. That comparison has been popping up even on progressive media like CNN.
This month’s respected Quinnipiac Poll shows that only 33% of Americans approve of Biden’s job performance, the lowest percentage on record. Here’s why:
Inflation. Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman explained inflation’s roots: “The only cure for inflation is to reduce the rate at which total spending is growing.” Democrats are slow learners.
Despite the fact that the economy had been growing robustly since June 2020, Biden cheered as Democrats passed the $1.9 trillion so-called American Rescue Act in March 2021 on straight party lines: no Republican voted for it.
Pouring gasoline on the already-burning economy, money was dumped willy-nilly on almost everyone last spring regardless of their financial circumstances. The bill included an overlay of unemployment benefits that resulted in combined state/federal benefits for many that were higher than they could earn going back to work. Guess what: many stayed home.
Now Biden and his party are trying to blame inflation on “greedy corporations.” The public isn’t buying it: this month’s CNBC/Change Research poll shows that 72% of citizens blame him for soaring prices.
Energy Dependence. Buying in lock, stock, and barrel to the progressive environmental movement, Biden has appointed anti-fossil fuel ideologues to a variety of regulatory agencies. His banking industry regulator, Saule Omarova, was shown on video saying, “What I’m thinking about is primarily coal industry and oil and gas industry. A lot of the smaller players in that industry are going to probably go bankrupt in short order, at least we want them to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change.”
The obvious result: less domestic oil and gas being pumped as companies preserve cash in anticipation of a federal government squeeze. Gasoline and natural gas prices spiked, angering commuters and homeowners. Now after the fact, Biden has done an about-face, pleading with Russia(!) and OPEC(!) to increase production to lower U.S. prices.
It’s hard to imagine how Biden could have handled this situation any worse.
Border Crisis. After castigating the Trump administration for abusing illegal immigrants, it took only a few months for the Biden administration to create humanitarian chaos at the border with abuses far worse than they ever were, making Trump look like Mother Teresa. Biden’s response: fly illegal aliens to cities around the country.
In my April column, A Country without Borders Isn’t, I described how Biden’s rhetoric announcing his intention to provide a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens and his intention to provide welfare benefits to non-citizens resulted in a tidal wave of border crossers. Per the New York Times, the numbers since then have continued to increase.
Afghanistan. Biden ran in part on his foreign affairs expertise, saying “America is back” to our allies. His tenure as chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee was touted to bolster his credentials.
So much for that: Biden implemented an abrupt Afghanistan pullout, vowing that no American would be left behind. His State Department says thousands of Americans are still left in Afghanistan, five months after our troops left. Biden is negotiating with the Taliban for permission to retrieve them.
Thousands of Afghanis who worked for the U.S. have been abandoned to their fate. His blunder made our withdrawal from Viet Nam look like a picnic.
Crime. Policing and prosecuting crime are primarily state and local functions. The fact that a veritable crime wave in America’s large cities governed by progressive Democrats has left Democrats across the country scrambling.
In an attempt to show he’s tough on crime, Biden’s administration is hunting down certain criminals who are menacing our way of life. Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that his department will crackdown on parents who complain angrily to school boards when their children are indoctrinated with critical race theory by their teachers. Calling these parents “terrorists,” he sent the FBI after them.
COVID. Biden is not responsible for the latest Omicron COVID wave sweeping the country. But as leftwing CNN reports, his empty promise to combat it with more COVID testing was undercut by his administration’s failure to order nearly enough tests.
Admitting his administration’s failure, Biden said “It’s not enough. It’s clearly not enough. If we’d have known, we’d have gone harder, quicker if we could have.”
Trust in Government? A year of policy failures, one after the other, have underscored Biden’s inept leadership and have cast a harsh light on how the nation’s social fabric unravels when progressives govern.
Progressive delusions were brought into sharp focus by Biden’s March 2021 televised COVID speech. His “trust the government” message then easily could have applied to any of the major problems his administration has fumbled:
“Look, we know what we need to do to beat this virus,” he said: “Tell the truth. Follow the scientists and the science. Work together. Put trust and faith in our government to fulfill its most important function, which is protecting the American people.”
His words illustrate the progressive creed. “We know what to do.” He must be kidding. “Follow the scientists.” Which ones? Government scientists stifled any views that disagreed with theirs. “Work together.” Collectivism as opposed to individual initiative. “Put faith and trust in our government.” Not after this year.
The only virtue to three more years of Biden failures is that they will keep the failing Kamala Harris, whose key staffers are leaving her, out of the presidency. That’s hardly a ringing endorsement. And interestingly, Hillary Clinton is seen by some as a possible 2024 replacement. Will wonders ever cease?
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