Kanab Balloons and Tunes Roundup showcased the unspoiled magic offered in Kanab. Bright, beautiful hot air balloons filled the sky above the red rock Vermilion Cliffs. Music talent from across the region gathered to compete in the Battle of the Bands. The night sky was aglow with nearly 1000 glowing lanterns during the Lantern Launch. Kanab streets were lined with hot air balloons as they majestically lit up during the Balloon Glow. The smell of festival food permeated the air. Laughter and smiles adorned the faces of festival goers of all ages, delighting in the magic of the festival celebration.
The Kanab Event and Volunteer Center hosted the second annual event which more than doubled in size from the inaugural event. Getting an excellent community reception, incredible support, amazing volunteers, and wonderful participants put this event on the map. Perfect weather allowed for three mornings of balloon launching. Hundreds upon hundreds of people gathered each morning to enjoy the awe as balloons were unpacked, filled, and took to the sky.
Most stayed and just watched with contentment as the wind carried brightly colored balloons across the sky. Following the flights, the crowds headed downtown to enjoy the Kanab Balloons and Tunes Roundup street festival throughout the day and into the evening.

Friday and Saturday showcased the Battle of the Bands competition. Bands from around the region congregated awaiting their opportunity to take the stage. One by one, each band, took their turn playing their music and engaging with the crowds. A dozen competitors, offered six hours of solid music entertainment each day. In the end, only three of the bands would place and take home the cash. After judges votes (75%) and fans votes (25%) were tallied, the three that won this year were:
1st Place: buckit from Flagstaff, AZ
2nd Place: Float the Boat from SLC, UT
3rd Place: Aura Surreal from St. George, UT

The three winners each played again to kick off the evening events on Saturday night. With the amplifying sounds of the band winners blasting from the main stage, the evening was just getting started. The pilots and their crews set up their balloons for an amazing Balloon Glow, bringing a magical feel to the festival. Attendees were eating it up and this speaks nothing about the fair food being offered. Nearly everyone had plates of food representing a wide variety of foods being offered. One of the real novelty treats offered was by Chef Shon of Sego Restaurant. He hosted a S’more School teaching “students” how to create s’mores that made their taste buds dance with delight.
The entertainment continued on the streets with a Lantern Launch catching the attention of everyone. The night sky was filled with wishing lanterns floating in what resembled a river of candles.

Sunday morning, the final launch of the Kanab Balloons and Tunes Roundup was followed by a pilot brunch at Parry Lodge. The buffet presented a smorgasbord of scrumptious food while offering an opportunity to celebrate the success of the event. The Lodge’s restaurant was packed for hours as they presented food to a hungry and happy community of pilots, crew, organizers, volunteers, sponsors, and attendees.
Every indication from start to finish during the event, and from the discussions at the brunch, demonstrated the excitement and anticipation for next year’s Kanab Balloons and Tunes Roundup.