LETTER TO THE EDITOR: St. George City turns our backyards into a cesspool/drowning danger

On March 13, developers for Sunterra subdivision (entry located at 2700 S. 2110 East), with St. George city approval, “improved” the Little Valley Ditch by lowering the ditch bottom by 36 inches. When they reached the end of this new development, they abruptly stopped digging. No longer does the water flow; it is a stagnant swamp. When this ditch is filled to irrigate the St. George Golf Course, it becomes a 22 feet wide by 4 feet deep hazard for the neighborhood children.
How long should we be patient when the very lives of our children are at stake?
I have “before” and “after pictures.”
On April 14, the ditch is being used to irrigate the St. George Golf Course and so is running at capacity.
Donald Johnson
St. George