Media Bias Slammed McCarthy
By Ed Kociela
I almost felt bad for Kevin McCarthy.
Like any political wonk worth their salt, I spent several days glued to the U.S. House of Representatives as it wrestled with itself in an attempt to name a new Speaker of The House. Republicans finally had their chance to seat a Speaker whose last name doesn’t rhyme with Pelosi. And, seemingly, it would be a slam dunk because, really, the only one in the room who wanted the gig was McCarthy.
Whether it was bad mojo held over from his MAGA leanings or just plain old payback for his arrogance displayed – particularly over the last few years – McCarthy found himself engaged in the fight of his life, played out on live television before a gobstruck audience of voters and commentators who began dogpiling on McCarthy, the Republican Party, and a scenario that had not played out in the House since 1859. That was pre-Civil War, pre-modern era, hell, even pre-Joe Biden era history. In other words, a long, long time ago.
It was ugly as the Republicans tore at each other and a group of what came to be known as “The Rebels” stood in opposition to McCarthy’s election to the post of Speaker. But most of all, it was embarrassing for McCarthy who withstood tirade after tirade as the so-called “Never Kevins” blocked what should have been a cakewalk.
It is one thing, however, for voters to dump on a candidate and quite another for others who are supposed to take a dispassionate stance in such things back up the truck and let it flow, which is exactly what the media did to McCarthy.
Look, I am no fan of Kevin McCarthy or anything or anybody MAGA, but, when it comes to news reporting, one needs to remember that such things as fairness and objectivity are what those in the news business are supposed employ to be vital to the credibility of the report.
In all honesty, whatever karma McCarthy created for himself, whatever payback others seemed to wish to extract, whatever penalty he was expected to pay was of his own doing and, quite frankly, not something for the so-called experts to gloat over. There was really little in the way of news coverage as the networks couldn’t hide their smirks or keep their cheap shots at bay. Again, as protectors of the public good, newsies are charged with being the public watchdog. But in this case, they were merely buzzards circling for a carcass that never died. Long ago I gave up on FOX News, but I am inching closer to the end of my tether when it comes to MSNBC and CNN, which were no better than Donald Trump and his playground pettiness as they gleefully reported the failures of the House to elect a Speaker for four days.
It is difficult to defend a guy like McCarthy who stands so distanced from my ideas about humanity, ethics, and fairness. I abhor his politics. But, in straight-up, stone-cold reporting he deserves a fair shake. Yes, we can analyze him forever more, which history will do, I am sure. But, blurring the lines between reportage and analysis tainted what was already an awkward, but undeniably historic, moment.
As a matter of law, the United States House of Representatives cannot operate without a Speaker of the House. It is a vital part of our governance, not some prize in the bottom of a box of Cracker Jack. There is serious business afoot of much greater importance than some petty little in-fighting among party members. I realize that I will take great issue with most of what McCarthy and his supporters try to move forward, but the numbers, although weak, are in their favor. They could have solidified their position had they not participated in the name-calling and backstabbing, but they did not and will now have to work super-hard at rebuilding unity and credibility in their brand. Had they thought about it longer, perhaps they would have realized that the greater good, at least for the party, would have been to shut their mouths, hold their noses, and vote McCarthy in on the first ballot instead of engaging in a street fight that left everybody bloody. There is serious work to be done in the House – from the debt ceiling to the economy and jobs – and those four days could have been much better spent.
The CNN crew in general was vicious in its handling of this fight, sneering and snarking at every turn as McCarthy was denied time after time after time by his party. Jake Tapper and John King, particularly, were the culpable parties, using reporting platforms as political stumps as they literally laughed out loud at times at McCarthy, the Republicans, and their plight. It was ugly, really, as well as childish, and hypocritical. I mean, didn’t those same people chastise Trump when he would sling playground insults at his opponents?
This is not what Chris Licht, who recently took over control of the network, has in mind. He has, in fact underscored the fact that he hopes to make the network less opinion driven and more news driven. That doesn’t necessarily mean softball questioning and reporting. Remember, Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward kept opinion out of their excellent coverage of the Watergate crimes. Of course, that was during a time when the public demanded hard news coverage and less fluff.
We have, however, entered an era of anger and partisanship unmatched.
Look, as before, there is always room for analysis and opinion. That fulfills the mission of starting the discussion. But, it should not come disguised as reportage. It’s dishonest and an insult to the public.
No, I do not like McCarthy.
But, I also don’t like what I see coming from the talking heads who would have you believe they are doing news reporting.
It is one thing to dig deep into a story for contrast and context.
It is quite another to stir a dollop of opinion into the mix and call it reporting.
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(as opposed to MSM – CNN , FOX, MSNBC, etc .. )
Breaking Points – W/ Saager (Right) Krystal Ball (Left)
Got to know where to look Ed. Due to OBVIOUS FACT MSM is owned and controlled by corporate conglomerates and caters to corporate advertising as well, they are simply propaganda oriented social/political marketing outlets nowadays.
Alternative news media is “The Last of the Mohicans” in terms of real journalism and once that goes down for the count – well… let’s not go there… because ~ to quote the Rock legend Tom Petty. – “the future is WIDE open” – add to that some of the best waves in decades happening in last week. Surfs truly up ! Keep paddling.