Mitt Romney and the White Horse Prophecy
I’ve never been much of a Mitt Romney fan.
Even when he was put in place as figurehead of the 2002 Winter Olympics, I thought it was nothing much more than a vanity appointment — a milquetoast, squeaky-clean face in place to absolve the sins of scandal that had rocked the Salt Lake City Organizing Committee. (Salt Lake Organizing Committee members gave about $1 million in bribes to International Olympic Committee members to land the Olympic Games, resulting in the immediate resignations of Tom Welch and David Johnson, who headed up the bid, as well as the expulsion or sanction of 20 more members.)
In his youth while attending Stanford, Romney was what we referred to as a chicken hawk — somebody who pushed for advancing the war in Vietnam but did not have the cojones to enlist and do battle in Southeast Asia. Romney was part of pro-war demonstrations but opted out of military service. Instead of toting a rifle through the jungles of Vietnam, he carried The Book of Mormon through France while serving a church mission.
Politically, he was at one time what would be considered a moderate Democrat and then an independent before swinging to the dark side when he thought he had an opportunity to knock off Ted Kennedy and take his Senate seat. It didn’t work. But later, he later was successful in his bid to become governor of Massachusetts where he signed a healthcare bill that was remarkably similar to the Affordable Care Act.
Romney was a key player in the Bain company where he helped create Bain Capital, an outfit that specialized in taking failing companies, leaning them down through layoffs to make them “profitable” — at least on paper — and then selling them off.
There were two failed stabs at the presidency — one he lost in the primaries to John McCain and the other in the finals to Barack Obama — before he returned to Utah. His ties to the Beehive State, like those of Jon Huntsman, can be traced to Parley Pratt, who founded Parowan. And that, plus the “R” behind his name on the ballot, helped him to succeed Orrin Hatch in the U.S. Senate.
Now, not even one year into his term, he finds himself in hot water with Utah voters, even though they gave him 62 percent of the vote in 2018.
His approval ratings today sit at 46 percent. The numbers were collected shortly after the president attacked Romney for his criticism of the administration’s troop removal in Syria and his support of an impeachment inquiry into the president’s activity with Ukraine leaders, who he illegally encouraged to investigate the Biden family.
Of course, there has been bad blood between the president and Romney since before the election when he was critical of the president’s lack of a moral compass. It didn’t stop him from sidling up to the administration when he was rumored to be a candidate for Secretary of State, an appointment everybody but Romney seemed to realize would never happen. He continues to inflame the president for not falling in lockstep with Republicans in support, instead daring to seek truth and justice, which resulted in the president calling him a “pompous ass.”
This obviously has not settled well with Utah voters, as we see in polling results. But Utah voters have slipped into a brand of neo-conservatism that led them to give the boot to Bob Bennett, one of the most traditional Republican voices in the Senate, and that also encouraged Hatch to give up his seat rather than suffer an embarrassing defeat in the primaries.
This strain of conservatism doesn’t fully fit into the president’s mold, although fringe adherents are part of the administration’s base. It more accurately fits the Tea Party fanaticism that struck back when Sarah Palin was thumping the beat when McCain screwed up and lost an election by putting her on the ticket as running mate. Had he gone more traditional in his choice, Obama would probably still be a member of the Senate.
Despite this, Romney doesn’t have much to worry about in the long term.
When the president eventually returns to his status as Citizen Trump, preferably sooner than later, Romney could be looked upon as the most important Republican to place country before party in this political drama — a role he would share with the late Sen. Barry Goldwater, who convinced Richard Nixon that it was time to go.
Goldwater was a straight-shooter statesman who, despite his radical political leanings, understood the trauma that the nation would endure if impeachment proceedings continued. Of course, even during his drunken ramblings through the hallways of the White House, Nixon had a better grasp of reality than the guy who wolfs down Big Macs in the Lincoln bedroom these days.
Interestingly, Romney’s opposition to the president may be based on his Mormon beliefs rather than politics.
For years, although not a piece of “official” Mormon doctrine, the White Horse Prophecy was a big part of the church.
According to church lore, in 1843 church founder Joseph Smith, while standing in front of the dramatic Benjamin West painting titled “Death On The Pale Horse,” said that someday the Constitution of the United States will hang by a thread and a Mormon, or a group of Mormons, will save the nation.
When asked about it a dozen years ago, Romney downplayed the whole thing.
“I haven’t heard my name associated with anything of that nature,” he said at the time. “I don’t put it at the heart of my religious beliefs.”
Still, we eerily see ourselves in a situation where the Constitution of the United States is indeed hanging by a thread and a Mormon leader sits poised to oppose those who have attacked it.
Coincidence? Maybe. Probably. It depends on your beliefs and perspective.
But whether Romney believes he is the one to fulfill the White Horse Prophecy or is just voicing the stirrings of his conscience, he needs to prove his mettle and not back down from this confrontation with the president. He could be the cornerstone of Republican support of impeachment hearings, an integral piece of bringing guidance and a much-needed moral compass to a Republican Party gone astray.
At best, the nation is diving into turbid waters and a period of social, cultural, and — most definitely — political unrest.
We will need calm but firm voices to guide us. Let’s hope Mitt is one of those voices.
The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent.
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Ed, you are referring to Pierre Delecto aren’t you? Has a 70s male pornstar sound to it! Agree with 80% of article this time. False hopes regarding him as a rallying Republican force in the impeachment dramarama. Courage! Ok did the WW2 Vichy French government have courage? Every Conservative/Republican in these parts, and I have talked with quite a few (last week had a conversation for 5 min in the Smith’s produce section with a fellow conservative) ROMNEY IS SEEN AS A TRAITOR – period to the Republican party from the “T” side all the way to the RINOS. No question about it. His local support if any are a few LDS folks that simply back the Romney name and are politically on the sidelines watching TV or reading religious books. Actually the informed LDS Republicans I have spoken too,, think he is off the wagon so to speak. Nope, Pierre has burned his bridges in them here parts. Courage! Uhg. Sentimentalism went too far, but Ed, that is Ed being Ed – a devout optimist for sure! Well written Ed, and as far as the white horse prophecy, I would say Huntsman (and his great philanthropic family that does incredible things for Utah) deserves that title if it ever comes to fruition. NPCs respond to article please not commentors like myself. Thanks. Well done Ed, loved this piece!!! Truly loved it!!
Ed, I’m sure you will remember me, Leland Freeborn. You called it right for Romney. The best thing he could do for Utah, and the USA. Is sit down and Shut Up. Now Expose me and help save lives with Fallout Coming.
I talked to them Today, and they now have 25,000 in Town because of the Snowbirds that will stay for the Winter. Can you just imagine a Missile Hit one hour away from Mesquite Nevada. AND “probably” 2 or more Missiles. Because of the Air Force Base at Nellis.
Can you imagine a BIG Missile Hit one Hour away at Nellis AFB and Las Vegas that makes 1000 “R” PER Hour and 500 “R’ will kill people Exposed for 1/2 hour. Everyone dies within a month after horrible Sickness for weeks.
See Oct 31 issue Today Page 10 Ad to WARN and few will listen. Oct 31 Issue
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IQR6aNJudvBppGqpPqseTCs4CM0dVvgR/view And Warning EVERY Week for the Next 6 weeks. Who will prepare to Survive? Most USA families spend $800 for Christmas, and $800 will build a Shelter. IF somebody would tell them how. Like my Site.
http://www.parowanprophet.com FREE Information See my 2nd. Link ADs in Utah Papers Over $4000 in 2019
Self induced hypocrisy- alas. Those who know do not know.- nice try though, and advertising in SG Independent comment section is beneath surely beneath a prophet. Try CGL Rants and Raves section, better place for prophetic visionaries such as yourself. Those who do not know, KNOW. And as a true fool, all I can say is you did not even read the article, truly, that I do know.
“Those who do not know, KNOW.”
It’s never too late for that mental health eval.
Yea Panama, keep smoking your bud. You need it. You worry about the free speech of others and you got nothing to say. You want to kill free expression, I get it. The article is about Romney, not me, but your Kind attacks the messenger not the message. Your kind thrives off of that type of negative energy – vampiric at best. But maybe instead, you should visit the prophet of parowan site above – see his hyperlinks. Maybe you will awaken and perhaps totally say something about the article, instead of do nothing but mock.. Atypical stoned troll or stone troll. Either way your comment is meaningless. Find meaning one day and until then look in the mirror- and by the way that quote is from the Bill Moyers interview withJoseph Cambells. Guess if Dr. Cambell were still alive he would need a mental evaluation too, LOL. I am in damn good company!