Mr. Billy Casper truly lived a Christ-like life – and he was an amazing golfer too!

When I heard last Sunday morning watching the final round of the The Farmer’s Insurance Open in San Diego, that Mr. Billy Casper passed away the day before, I was shocked. I was also touched by the out pouring of sentiment from not only the “Arnold Palmer’s” of the world but everyone who ever spent any time with him. He was not just a golfer, but truly was a man of God. He was a golf legend by winning 51 PGA tournaments and three majors, he but his talents also included a reverence of incredible God-like humility.
If you remember my story last March during the Mesquite Open where I spent an entire day with him, I got to watch this great man in action. Well over 100 professionals and amateurs from and Canadian Tour asked for his opinion such as, “What do I need to do to make it on the tour?” And he was so gracious with his time, answers, and stories; sharing first and foremost the need to stay determined in your goals and dreams and trust your swing.
“Take what you’ve practiced over and over again and bring that to the course,” he once said. No matter how frustrating or poor your circumstances, lack of food or gas and yes, humility you might have suffered as an up and coming golf professional, “believe in yourself, your swing and your talent,” he would say.
I’ll never forget when a lovely lady in her 20’s came up to Casper at the table in the CasaBlanca lobby asking for his autograph and free autobiography, “The Big Three and Me.” Something very special happened with a comment she made to him. It was somehow interpreted by Mr. Casper that this lady needed something more than just an autograph.
The next thing my client, Nine Iron’s owner Kent Nobis and I noticed, Billy had found a lost soul in need of his ultimate wisdom. He reached out and held hands and stared directly into her eyes and spoke of God’s love for her and that she mattered and so many other things that we as spectators felt needed to be personal between the two of them.
They talked and held each other’s hands for nearly 20 minutes, never letting go. We all had a bit of envy as she was absolutely lovely! After they final let go of each other’s hands, he gave her a heart felt hug with tears running down both of their faces. Impressive doesn’t begin to explain how we as promoters felt at that moment. He signed and gave away at least 100 books that day to the players and anyone who visited our table.
Billy Casper discusses new St. George Golf Academy