From Clay Jones on his political cartoon “Fascinated With Newt,” how Newt Gingrich told Megyn Kelly that she was “fascinated with sex,” and a whopper of a lie that Bill Clinton was not disbarred in Arkansas
Be honest with yourself. You know you’ve always wanted to see Newt Gingrich waddle his naked, pink body strapped with nothing but a towel in a locker room. As a bonus I’ve also given you a nekkie Trump. Do they make Tic Tacs for eyeballs?
Newt Gingrich was interviewed by Fox News host Megyn Kelly Tuesday night, and he said she was “fascinated with sex” while she was asking him about Donald Trump’s treatment of women. Nice.
Newt got testy, shook his finger at Kelly, and wanted her to say Bill Clinton is a sexual predator. He also said Clinton was disbarred in Arkansas, which I want to point out is not true.
It’s kinda bizarre that Newt wants to talk about Clinton’s accusers, what with his track record and all when it comes to infidelity. Trump, Giuliani, Newt, Roger Ailes … what is it with these guys, none of whom looks like a Sam Malone, and women? It seems it would behoove the Trump campaign, which is struggling with the women vote, to send out a surrogate who isn’t a HeSlut … less enough surrogates who try to push a woman around on live TV.
Kelly kept her cool and told Newt that she’s “fascinated by the protection of women.” Newt might want to find another female to bully, because it didn’t work with Kelly, and Newt came off like a whiny baby. Maybe he should start with one who’s not smarter than he is. But Republicans love this kind of stuff.
Donald Trump loved it so much that he interrupted promoting his newest empty hotel in Washington, D.C. to praise Newt, and he said “We don’t play games, Newt, right? We don’t play games.”
Trump has had issues with Kelly ever since the first Republican debate. He doesn’t like hard questions … or any questions not concerning how great he is. He famously said she was angry and had “blood coming out of her wherever.”
Kelly finished her interview with Newt by saying, “You can take your anger issues and spend some time working on them, Mr. Speaker.” Newt has been angry since the 1990s when Bill Clinton was kicking his butt all over the place. He eventually had to resign from his role as Speaker of the House during the impeachment process when it was discovered that he too is a horn dog.
One other bizarre detail of this is that Newt went on to accuse Fox News of being part of the “biased media.” Newt is still on Fox News payroll as a paid political commentator. That’s a serious breach of ethics on Fox’s part as they’re interviewing a man they’re paying who isn’t just a Trump supporter, he’s on Team Trump.
Newt can keep competing with Giuliani for who can make the most outlandish statements. I really enjoy drawing him. He’s one of those guys I’ve never had trouble caricaturing. He’s as easy now as he was in 1994.
Come on, dude. Bill Clinton was most certainly disbarred: