On Friday, the Mesquite Sports & Events Complex once again hosted a competition that tests the strength and talent of the world’s biggest hitters of the golf ball, including those without limbs, who are vision-impaired, or disabled but can still hit the ball over 350-400 yards! I didn’t get a chance to attend last year’s ParaLong Drive, but I didn’t want to miss this one. I’m so glad I attended.
Sometimes, as golfers, we get frustrated with our swing as we walk, take our stance, and try to imitate a swing like a pro. Yet, most of these guys can’t do that very easily. Some are assisted by robotic-like arms and legs. Others sit in specially designed ParaMobile carts that allow fully paraplegic athletes to stand and swing a driver as hard as most amateurs! And yes, some swing with one arm or by feel because they’re completely blind.

If you ever feel like life’s dealt you a bad hand, you owe it to yourself to watch these incredible people hit the golf ball. It will put a smile on your face as you watch in awe, like the smile of 3 ½-year-old Tommy Morrissey as he performed on cue, to the delight of his new-found fans. He was born without a right arm, yet acts like a superstar, hamming it up for the crowd, and he can hit the ball over 100 yards! He recently appeared on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” with his father, Joe, and mom, Marcia, similar to when Tiger Woods appeared with his father on “The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson” all those years ago, at age 3. Tommy is destined for greatness, if not as a golfer, as an inspiring role model who doesn’t see himself as disabled.
During the gala reception dinner in the Town Square Buffet ballroom at the Eureka Casino, Andre Carrier, president and COO of the Eureka Casino, addressed those involved with the event. His speech thanked the participants for their courage and positive contributions of hope. Carrier assured everyone that the Eureka Casino will continue to be involved in even bigger ways in the years to come. There’s even talk about eventually making this event a part of the Paralympics. With participants traveling from across the U.S. and all over the world (Canada, South Africa, Israel, Australia, the Netherlands, and England), it’s already an international event.
It’s Long Drive Month all month on the Golf Channel, so if you missed all the exciting moments, tune in to see Jared Brentz, a two-time champion, once again win the World Championship spot with an impressive 340-yard drive on a beautiful, windless day. His best this year was 360 yards, but he hit it 409 yards when he won last year! Brentz has two prosthetic legs, yet you wouldn’t know it if he wore long pants.
These competitors make you feel inspired, hopeful, and entertained. Mesquite’s world-class venue may lose the World Long Drive competition to Las Vegas, but the ParaLong Drive is here to stay and grow in popularity.