$2,000 offered for the arrest and conviction of poacher of pregnant elk in Zion National Park
The National Park Service, in conjunction with the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, is seeking information about the recent poaching of a pregnant cow elk within Zion National Park. The reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the poacher of a pregnant elk in Zion National Park has been increased to $2,000.
It is estimated that the animal was killed sometime on or about Jan. 20.
The gut pile and partial hide of the elk were found in Lee Valley off the Kolob Terrace Road in Zion National Park. Evidence was collected at the scene, but help from the public will play a crucial role in finding those responsible.
Anyone with information about this incident is encouraged to call or text the NPS Investigative Services Branch tip line at (888) 653-0009, email nps_isb@nps.gov, or submit a tip online at nps.gov/isb and click on “Submit a Tip.”
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