With all the talk of making wearing masks mandatory, do you think everyone should be wearing one all of the time?
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Simply all of us wearing masks in close quarters- I e. Shopping etc, is the simplistic solution to reducing infection and promoting economic recovery. Unfortunately not happening in Wa County. More than half are not wearing masks and social distancing us waining. To work effectively a 90% + threshold is needed. In 3 weeks the results of our ignorance will become evident. Good luck. Not rocket science.
So true. I think we are going to have to vote with our pocket book and not shop at places that are not taking it seriously. Both parties wearing masks reduces the spread by 75%.
Also as tourist season begins now til Fall, the numbers will climb. Already seeing the lack of social distancing @Fire Lake, Gunlock and Snow Cyn State Park. No. Utah residents with 2nd homes here will be arriving soon, too.