Poll: What Is Your Biggest Concern Now?
With everything that has been going on over the last few months slowly moving behind us, what is the number one thing you are most concerned about as we reach the end of what is certainly going to be considered the craziest year so far in the 21st Century?
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I’m concerned about Trump’s call to arms. There is no evidence that Trump or his followers will transition peacefully to a Biden presidency. Rather, they are issuing a call to defend a Trump move to dig in their heels and resist a transition.
Some, in fact, are calling for civil war. Trump himself has been systematically laying the groundwork for an autocratic takeover of power since his 2017 inauguration.
Hogwash on the Trump “conspiracy,” this is obviously coming from the left side of the population (controlled and strongly influenced by the mainstream media, academia and the entertainment industry), the fact is the angry left can’t stand competition or opposing views. Our system of government works better when there is natural ebb and flow… something the left can’t and won’t accept.