Letter to the Editor: President Trump is a fake conservative
Dear Editor,
The biggest FAKER of all is none other than President Donald Trump.
He is POSING as a “Conservative,” but he is actually a FAKE CONSERVATIVE.
What is my evidence?
You can look this up for yourself on the internet.
In 1999, he proposed that the Congress pass a new “National Wealth Tax” (NOT income) of 14.25% on all individuals who have a “net-worth”/”net-wealth” of $10 million and higher. That is a VERY liberal idea.
He wanted the money generated by it to be spent on two items:
—Totally eliminating the national debt (that sounds “conservative”).
—Spending the remainder on adding it to the Social Security Trust Fund so as to make it more fully solvent for additional years (that sounds “liberal”, not “conservative”). I am assuming that most of us know that it is presently fully solvent through the year 2034, meaning that there is absolutely no reason to cut benefits right now (which the less than totally-truthful conservatives in the Congress and the right-wing media propaganda machine do not want the public to know).
This man has been POSING as a “Conservative.” He has been masterfully manipulating all of us and playing us for fools and suckers, both his supporters as well as his critics.
Stewart B. Epstein
Rochester, New York
The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent.
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