Publisher’s Perspective: How to make 2018 your best year everPublisher’s Perspective: How to make 2018 your best year ever

How do you go about making this new year the best year ever, and how would you even judge such a thing? Well, it might be easier than you think.

I just spent less than half an hour writing out all of the things I’d like to manifest in 2018. If you’ve never done it, it’s really quite simple. I started by looking at my list from a year ago, which streamlined the process for me considerably.

I simply wrote out everything I could think of that I’d like to see, do, experience, or be in the new year, in random order. It’s basically like free writing for the life you want to live. As an example, I listed items in the areas of self-care, relationships, business, travel, habits, finances, and more. While you’re likely to assess varying degrees of success at the end of the year, it’s quite remarkable to me how many of the two dozen plus lines that I wrote a year ago to which I did give some of my energy and attention during the year — which is how I assess my own success.

Did I put effort or time into each of these items or areas of my life? Yes, to varying degrees … but overall, I’d say I did. And like I said, for 2017 there were a large number of items on the list that I can say I’m further down the path on. Did I make it to Europe or get a pilot’s license? Sadly, no. But did those things come up during the year in conversations about things I’d like to do or places I’d like to go? They sure did. And I at least did some low-level research (there are multiple pilot schools in southern Utah area, it turns out). So while I didn’t actually accomplish those things, I have at least kept the ball moving in those directions.

And I think that’s what it’s about: pointing your life in the direction you want it to go. Did I travel and vacation more than any year of my life? Why yes, yes I did! Did I get out of the country? Yup, I went to Cancun with my brother. Have I improved my overall financial position from a year ago? Yes! I did that. Movement is success!

So this year’s list is a little bigger. I doubled down on the majority of the items I listed a year ago and added to them. And remarkably, even with 38 items on my new list, it doesn’t feel overwhelming. I’m sure part of it is, because I’m realistic about it. By doing nothing more than simply putting items on the list, I’ve done something in that area. By just writing them down, reading the list back to myself, and putting the list up in a prominent place, I keep them on my radar. That step is critical.

And for me, that’s what makes a successful year. Did I do all the things I wanted to? Heck no. Did I manifest some amazing things in 2017 like a 4-wheel-drive vehicle and a piece of land to build a vacation home on? Yep! Never underestimate your own ability to create the life you’d like to live. Sure, we’re all bound to one degree or another by our circumstance, resources, education, and relationships, but at the end of the day, it’s your life to live. You get to make it what you want.

And it’s not too late to make a list, even if you’re reading this way after the first of the year. I actually wrote out a fresh list mid-year last year and was able to knock off a few things by the end of the year. So just remember that we are all creators. We are all powerful. You are powerful. Don’t forget that.

Let’s make 2018 the best year it can be. Be well, my friends.

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