Publishing On My Own Now
– By Howard Sierer –
After six satisfying years, this will be my last column on The Southern Utah Independent as the website will discontinue publishing political opinion columns moving forward. I appreciate the many hundreds of readers who regularly frequented my columns over the years.
I plan to continue publishing columns on the Substack website. Readers who would like to continue following these columns can subscribe to them at no cost at:
Sierer Says | Howard Sierer | Substack.
Subscribers will receive an email notifying them each time a new column has been posted. Comments and feedback will be welcome.
The Southern Utah Independent published my political commentary covering the final two years of Trump’s first term, the Biden administration, and now the start of Trump’s second term. These have been volatile years, navigating through the always-unpredictable Donald Trump, the COVID pandemic, Biden’s immediate abandoning of the middle road and embracing progressive ideology, and Trump’s tumultuous return despite court cases and implacable opposition from the legacy media.
Over those years, I had two fellow columnists, Ed Kociela and Lisa Rutherford, whose work I always respected despite frequently disagreeing with them. Interestingly, Lisa and I found ourselves on the same side of several issues important to Southern Utah: we both opposed the Lake Powell pipeline and opposed routing the Northern Corridor roadway through the Red Cliffs National Conservation Area.
The Independent’s editor, James McFadden, has been a steady source of support. The publisher, Josh Warburton, has exemplified restraint, never interfering with my ability to address controversial topics of the day. I salute them both and wish them well.
I style myself a “Reagan Republican,” consistently opposing woke progressive policies and programs, opposition that has come to reflect a solid majority of public opinion across the country in the last several years. I have little respect for Donald Trump as a person or of his erratic and abrasive style but I support much of what he and Republicans in Congress have managed to get done.
Feel free to subscribe to sample my take on the dramatic and exciting times that are unfolding in the coming months.
Viewpoints and perspectives expressed throughout The Independent are those of the individual contributors. They do not necessarily reflect those held by the staff of The Independent or our advertising sponsors. Your comments, rebuttals, and contributions are welcome in accordance with our Terms of Service. Please be respectful and abide by our Community Rules. If you have privacy concerns you can view our Privacy Policy here. Thank you!
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Good luck with your new venture, Howard. Your articles have been interesting and well-written, even if, as you acknowledge, we disagree on just about everything. We have both had our say and have been blessed with the opportunity to do it.
Hats off to you, Lisa. You’ve been a class act all along.