Redstone Theater Brings You Daddy Long Legs
– By Rachelle Robinson –
February 2-14, 2024. Kanab, Utah.
Every once in a while we are introduced to characters that we will long remember after closing the covers to a delicious book. Jerusha Abbott, once you come to know her, will stay in your heart much like Anne Shirley of Green Gables fame, Alice in Wonderland or Jo Marsh from Little Women Good stories, after all, have strong characters who teach us something, and while it is true that we only see two of those characters, DADDY LONG LEGS is a good story.
I’ve had the honorable privilege of directing this lovely show twice in the last few months. It has brought me so much joy, insights, and memorable moments to reflect upon. Jerusha’s letters to her mentor, Jervis Pendleton are funny, thoughtful, and filled with wisdom. It’s such an honor to be able to “ read” them over and over.
Of all the things that can be taken home with you after a night at the theatre, being thoroughly drenched in beautiful live music, a stunning set, and imaginative staging, I hope you can take these thoughts and so many more with you:
- So much can be learned from the reading of a good book.
- The importance of imagination
- Maybe we can get hung up on the way we imagine a person to be, and they aren’t that way at all.
- Concerning charity, who is really the giver?
- That “ her” happiness is more precious than mine.
- One should do nothing from duty, and everything from love.
Bringing this show to Kanab has been a beautiful process and I hope you can feel our commitment to its many uplifting messages as you immerse yourself in the world of an orphan and a wealthy philanthropist discovering themselves in the early 1900s.
Daddy Long Legs opens on February 2nd with shows through Valentine’s Day on the 14th. Tickets are now available at redstonetheater.com. use the promo code kanablocal to save 20% or more.