Mount Rushmore
Mount Faucimore by Ben Garrison, July, 2020

Save America – Defund Democrats and Fire Fauci!

By Ben Garrison

Mount Rushmore is under attack. The lying mass media have been trotting out the America haters who claim the great landmark needs to be destroyed. Why? The usual pap—‘racism.’ The men on Mount Rushmore were all great and they played critical roles that made our country great. Cultural Marxism, political correctness, and bolshevism be damned. The monument stays!

Dr. Fauci would destroy our national pride in a different way. Through permanent social distancing (division) and mask-wearing, Americans are becoming dehumanized. Fauci knows a haphazard piece of dirty cloth over a mouth all day is unhygienic, but also ineffective as well as downright unhealthy. All it does is cause the hapless wearers to breathe in their own CO2 all day. What it’s really about is compliance. Get people used to genuflecting toward and obeying corrupt authorities hiding behind the seemingly omniscient word, ‘science.’

However, those supposedly practicing science can be corrupted like anyone else. The eugenicist Bill Gates has corrupted the medical field with his billions of dollars. What Gates has done would make Josef Mengele blush.


Our Founding Fathers would have none of Fauci’s nonsense and neither should we.

—Ben Garrison

PS Whoops…The “experts” were wrong again! Is anyone surprised?

A new Hydroxychloroquine study conducted by Henry Ford Health System revealed hydroxychloroquine successfully lowered the death rate among hospitalized COVID-19 patients by a significant margin.

According to Just The News, the use of hydroxychloroquine cut the mortality rate of coronavirus victims in half.



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  1. Huh? It amazes me that any individual in this country who can read would still be so deluded as to think there’s any distinction between our political parties. The end-game of both “parties” is the same: the ravaging of what’s left of the country’s natural resources; and further enabling a corrupt economic system that is pillaging the wealth from “We the People,” and depositing it into the accounts of bankers, Wall Street scammers and corporate CEOs. And, check your facts: Nearly all of the media in this country is owned by about a half dozen, conservative corporation that have the same goals as our politicians; and like the politicians, they put on a different face–liberal or conservative–to fool and confuse the gullible, easy-manipulated public. And about Fauci, one of the central figures in promoting and paying for “gain-of-function” viruses from the budgets of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases and the National Institute of Health, consider the November, 2015 article in Nature Medicine and reported in Scientist: “Lab-made corona virus triggers debate: The creation of a SARS-like virus has scientists discussing the risks of ‘gain-of-function’ research.” “Gain-of-function” is a trait engineered into a pathogen to enable it to jump from species to species, or from an animal to a human being. The effort to create these lethal viruses was done in cooperation between the University of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill and the Chinese lab in Wuhan. The researchers took surface proteins from a corona virus found in the Horseshoe bat in China and combined it with a protein that causes respiratory illness in mice. The virus was created to infect human airway cells in humans. In 2013 a moratorium had been placed on the creation of these viruses but it was reported in Scientific American in 2017 that the moratorium had been lifted by the Trump administration on manufactured, bioengineered pathogens that have gain-of-function capabilities. Just prior to the Covid-19 outbreak in Asia, the Administration cut the CDC presence in China. It should also be kept in mind that the CDC has failed to disclose a long list of pathogen escapes from laboratories which have never made it into main-stream news. (Regarding the 1918-1920 Spanish “flu:” It was a pandemic, bacterial pneumonia, traced back to Fort Riley, Kansas. It was caused by an experimental meningitis vaccine cultured in horses and spread by U. S. troops during the First World War.) These are only a very few of the things that should have our attention.


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