The Southern Utah Art Guild presents its “Winter in the Desert” art show, which will run from Feb. 5 through 25 in the Red Cliff Gallery. There will be an artist reception and award ceremony on Feb. 5 from 4 to 6 p.m. The public is invited to view the art, meet the artists, and enjoy light refreshments and music.

The show will feature approximately 130 works of art from approximately 50 southern Utah artists. The show will feature contemporary art from all media including all forms of painting and mixed media, photography, pottery, and sculpture. All of the art will be for sale.
The show’s theme was chosen to demonstrate that there is beauty in the desert, even in winter. The artists’ challenge was to express this beauty and the feeling of winter in their medium of choice.
The show is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mondays through Saturdays.
The Red Cliff Gallery is located in the St. George City Commons Building at 220 N 200 E in St. George.

The Southern Utah Art Guild is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to promote the visual arts and artists in southern Utah.
The Southern Utah Art Guild’s 2016 schedule includes shows in the Red Cliff gallery in June, September, November, and December. The Southern Utah Art Guild also operates the Arrowhead Gallery in the Electric Theater Center, located at 68 E Tabernacle St. in St. George. Go to southernutahartguild.com to find out more about the activities of the Southern Utah Art Guild.