Veteran and former Seattle Seahawk Nate Boyer will present a keynote address entitled “What It Means To Be A Hero” at the Southern Utah Veterans Home’s second annual Patriot Day community celebration Sept. 9, from 2 to 3 p.m.
After the presentation, Boyer will be available to sign autographs and take photos with attendees. The Southern Utah Veterans Home has Boyer photos, Seahawks tumblers, and footballs available (as supplies last) for purchase on site for local residents who wish to buy memorabilia to be signed by Boyer. Attendees are welcome to bring items from home to be signed.
“Nate Boyer was selected because of his extraordinary service to our country, and his ongoing efforts to better the world we live in,” said Southern Utah Veterans Home’s director of community relations Vie Van Noy. “Nate has been involved with organizations such as Waterboys who provide clean water to East African communities in need and MVP: Merging Vets and Players. Their mission, and his work, is very much in tune with the passion and dedication we all feel here at the Southern Utah Veterans Home.”
At the beginning of the ceremony, the Boy Scouts Troop #1827 will lead a flag ceremony. The event will also include entertainment from local singer Brodie Perry. The celebration will continue Saturday, Sept. 10, when Boyer will meet with students at Snow Canyon High School between 3 and 4 p.m.
“The ability to bring Nate Boyer to southern Utah as part of our festivities will be phenomenal,” said Van Noy. “As the leader in our community when it comes to serving and celebrating our country’s military hero’s, our campus is naturally the best place to hold a celebration like this.”
The Southern Utah Veterans Home works to provide relevant, impactful programs to its veteran residents, their loved ones, and the community at large. The Southern Utah Veterans Home team partners with various community organizations such as the American Legion, Southern Utah Military Coalition, Boy Scouts, local ROTC, schools, and Chambers of Commerce.
More information is available at the Southern Utah Veterans Home’s Facebook page.
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