St. George holds public meeting for community comment on parks, arts and recreation master plan
By Della Lowe
The City of St. George announced the second in its series of public meetings Oct. 24 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Dixie Middle School to lay out the master plan to update city parks, recreation facilities, programs, arts venues, events, and trails. The meeting is open to residents of all ages to provide input.
Residents are encouraged to attend and voice their opinions and ideas for the future direction of St. George recreation facilities and programs. The updated master plan will guide the city’s efforts future development, reflecting community interests and establishing long-term goals and priorities for land acquisition, facility development, programming, and park system management. The community meeting will start with a brief presentation to provide an overview of the project. Light refreshments will be served.
Community input will play an important role in developing the plan update. Additional project information is available at sgcity.org/masterplanupdate.
A third public meeting will be held in December.
The updated plan will help guide development by doing the following:
—Understanding the existing parks system and what the needs are systemwide.
—Incorporating the community’s vision for parks and recreation.
—Building on previous planning efforts to assure improvements don’t happen piecemeal.
—Assisting decision making on how parks and recreation are maintained and built, both in the short term and the long term.
—Being a springboard for action to engage potential partners and make sure enough land is set aside to build needed facilities in the future.
For questions or more information about the citywide Parks and Recreation Master Plan, please contact Shane McAffee, director of leisure services, at leisure@sgcity.org or (435) 627-4500 or Steve Bingham, deputy director of recreation, at (435) 703-1239. Dixie Middle School is located at 929 S 100 E in St. George.
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