The 34th Annual St. Patty’s Day Celebration
and Parade in Springdale Has Been Canceled
By Nathan Wells
The following is a letter was received by The Independent.
Dear Zion Canyon Community,
Given the current concern for the health, safety, and well-being of everyone, the March 21st St Patty’s Parade and Celebration has been canceled. This decision was made with great consideration of what has been recommended by the local Health Dept, Springdale officials and Governor Herbert’s office, which has strongly recommended suspending all gatherings of 100 or more people.
Springdale and Zion Canyon are represented by the very best workers and residents you’ll find anywhere and we all are enriched by these wonderful community events that bring us together. We greatly look forward to the return of the St Patty’s spirit and tradition in 2021! In the meantime, the local businesses, organizations, and partners that take care of our visitors will continue to train for and maintain the safest possible practices while staying aware and carefully monitoring the COVID-19 status.
Enormous thanks for support to Rebecca and Roger and all of the Flanigans/McKown family, Town of Springdale, Chief Brecke and Springdale Police, Alex and the Bit and Spur team, Zion Canyon Visitors Bureau and all the hotels who had donated rooms for the Utah Pipe Band: Holiday Inn Express, Cliffrose Lodge, Hampton Inn, Cable Mountain Lodge, Flanigan’s Inn and Bumbleberry Inn.
Wishing you all the best,
Nate Wells
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