SUMA exhibit features landscape artist Kate Starling
SUMA will host a prominent southern Utah landscape artist in its latest exhibition, “Kate Starling: A Study of Scale.” Image: “Moenkopi Frieze #1” by Kate Starling

SUMA exhibit features landscape artist Kate Starling

By Emily Ronquillo

Opening May 11, the Southern Utah Museum of Art on the campus of Southern Utah University will host a prominent southern Utah landscape artist in its latest exhibition, “Kate Starling: A Study of Scale.”

“Kate Starling: A Study of Scale” offers an intimate perspective of the iconic landscapes both locals and tourists to southern Utah are so familiar with. In great detail, Starling examines the simple beauty of these landforms that many overlook. The artist uses her past as a geologist and national parks ranger to capture the intricacies and sensory experience of these public places on a much smaller scale than her traditional counterparts.

“When we first come to a spectacular landscape, it is common to only see the obvious. Many of these paintings are about the scenic, but also emphasize the mundane elements in order to let the viewer experience the whole,” said Starling. “I wanted this show to be about the place where I live and the things I see every day.”

Alongside Starling, SUMA will feature works form the permanent collection by other notable regional artists. The complementary work will include pieces by Jimmie Jones and Maynard Dixon as well as other well-known artists.

“Kate is reexamining the landscape in a new way, taking the freedom to manipulate and experiment with the scale,” said Jessica Farling, director and curator of SUMA. “I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to showcase her work.”

From 2 to 4 p.m. parents and their children will have the opportunity to participate in rock painting inspired by the work in the exhibition. Other programming includes a gallery talk with the artist on June 15 at 1 p.m. where Starling will discuss her inspirations and interpretations. “Kate Starling: A Study of Scale” will be on view through July 27.

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