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St. George Art Festival Will Feature The ‘Spazmatics’

For the first time ever, the St. George Art Festival will host a headlining band. The Spazmatics, a high-energy, 1980s tribute band, will perform a free concert at 6 PM on April 7
Art Around the Corner

Highly-Anticipated Sculpture Collection To Be Updated Throughout St. George

“Art Around the Corner really enhances the quality of life in St. George through the installation of public art,” said St. George Mayor Michele Randall.

Capturing the Light At The Red Cliffs Gallery

The Southern Utah Art Guild invites the public to its "Capturing the Light" art show. About 200 artworks from over 77 local artists will follow the show's theme of capturing the light.

SUAG Presents “Colors of the West”

SUAG - Works from over 50 local artists will follow the show theme of the use of dramatic colors and light to heighten the emotional tension in the artist’s
The chosen one, Adam Zyglis, trump, chosen one, god, michelangelo, art, history, president, religion, china, trade

The chosen one

The chosen one The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent. How to submit an article,...
Center for the Arts at Kayenta presents “Art”

Center for the Arts at Kayenta presents “Art”

Center for the Arts at Kayenta presents “Art” By Merrie Lee The Center for the Arts at Kayenta in partnership with Man of Two Worlds Productions...
eye makeup modern art

The Art of Beauty: How modern art has influenced the eye...

The pioneers of modern art broke through the boundaries established by art academies by introducing new techniques and methods of representation. Eye makeup artists...
southern utah weekend events: bryce canyon

Southern Utah Weekend Events Guide: June 2-5

Southern Utah Weekend Events The Southern Utah Weekend Events Guide is full of fun-filled musical and cultural events. Check out what’s going on in Southern...
melted crayon art

Art Smart: Vincent van Gogh melted crayon art

The world recently celebrated Vincent van Gogh’s birthday on March 30.  He is one of the world’s greatest painters. I couldn’t resist the opportunity...
Art Around the Corner

Art Around the Corner announces 2016 Outdoor Sculpture Exhibit

Each spring, Art Around the Corner brings the works of notable artists to St. George and installs them in accessible public areas, mostly in...