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Tag: birthright citizenship

2020 Voting

Trump Goes Down Swinging

The Hill, a Washington, D.C. news site, reported that President Donald Trump is considering issuing an executive order that would end birthright citizenship.
The 14th Amendment prohibited birthright citizenship in six crucial words: “subject to the jurisdiction thereof."

Actually, the 14th Amendment prohibited birthright citizenship

Actually, the 14th Amendment prohibited birthright citizenship Most constitutional experts know that there exists no birthright citizenship in the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution....
Birthright citizenship is wrong for the United States. So are anchor babies. It's time for us to fix the constitutional loophole that created them.

Birthright citizenship is wrong for America

Birthright citizenship is wrong for America By Michael Reagan The president rolled another flash grenade onto our political stage this week, and it sent the Trump...
Ending birthright citizenship is the most significant illegal immigration reform the President Trump has announced.

Trump Says “adios” to birthright citizenship

Trump Says “adios” to birthright citizenship By Michael Shannon Ending birthright citizenship, better known as dropping the anchor baby, is the most significant illegal immigration reform...
Between birthright citizenship, anchor babies, and illegal aliens receiving benefits, Trump needs to refill his executive order pen and start writing.

Illegal aliens regularly granted lawless benefits

Illegal aliens regularly granted lawless benefits By Michael Shannon Michael Anton is amazed by housebroken who that support an immigration position that will eventually remove any...
Jeb Bush Anchor Baby close crop

CARTOON: ‘The Biggest Anchor Baby’

From cartoonist Clay Jones about 'The Biggest Anchor Baby' Jeb Bush used the term “Anchor Baby” and is confused when people find it offensive. He...