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Tag: children

Helping kids make New Year’s resolutions

As this year comes to a close, many of us once again make New Year’s resolutions. After all, what better time to take an...
Family Traditions

The importance of family traditions

If you are like most parents I know, you are beginning realize that not only is December upon us, but the time is slipping...
LDS Church policy change pro-children

Why the LDS Church’s new policy change is pro-children

I’ve heard and read a great many things these last few days about the new policy change concerning children of same sex marriages and...
helping children make decisions

Helping children learn to make good decisions

Decisions, decisions, decisions. We make them each and every day of our lives, from what time we will get out of bed and what...
Evolution or creationism

Evolution or creationism?

Whether you’re an evolutionist or a creationist you have probably eaten at a family restaurant at least once. Usually we abstain from mingling with...
attitude of gratitude

Teaching children to have an attitude of gratitude

It’s hard to believe, but the month of November is already here. Along with the ushering in of the holiday season, November is also...
SUU Toyland auditions

SUU’s “Toyland” auditions open to area youth

On Saturday, Sept. 19, in Southern Utah University's Auditorium Theatre from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and 2 p.m.-5 p.m., children ages 5 to 13 may...
Reading aloud to children benefits

Reading aloud to your children: the benefits and some tips

When my children were growing up, I must have read Dr. Seuss’s "Hop on Pop" and "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish"...
teach children find joy

How to teach children to find joy

I’m not sure if it is just me, but there seems to be a lot of unrest and unhappiness in the world today.  All...