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Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men

Peace On Earth - Writing on Christmas Day in the midst of our nation’s great Civil War, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow penned words that were later
2023 Was Rough - By Gary McCoy

Editorial Cartoon: 2023 Was Rough

2023 Was Rough - By Gary McCoy
Celebrating Christmas

Are Christmas Carols, Cards, and Greetings at School Constitutional?

Celebrating Christmas - No such language exists in the Constitution.  To prevent you from doing these things would be as unconstitutional as mandating that you do them.
Stay at Home Easter

What Will Easter 2021 Be Like?

As we enter the Easter season, I wonder if we can somehow squeeze “a right relationship with God” onto our priority list – now and moving forward in the New Normal. Can we adopt a “better safe than sorry” approach to Christianity?
Oh My Gawd, Pat Bagley, Trump, Pence, The Chosen One, Chosen One, King of Israel, Second Coming, Messiah, messianic, delusions of grandeur, blasphemy, God, evangelicals, Christianity, Jews, Israel

Oh My Gawd

Oh My Gawd The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent. How to submit an article,...
Coexist, Adam Zyglis, southern Utah, Utah, St. George, The Independent, religion, violence, terrorism, eye for an eye, islam, christianity, judaism, sri lanka, church, attacks, easter, passover, san diego, new zealand, coexist


Coexist The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent. How to submit an article, guest opinion...
Commodification of Easter, Adam Zyglis, southern Utah, Utah, St. George, The Independent, easter,jesus,commodification,religion,christianity,eggs,bunny,christ,commercialization

Commodification of Easter

Commodification of Easter The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent. How to submit an article,...

Movie Review: “Miracles From Heaven” a tear-jerking and joyful look at...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CldGTG6iVrU MOVIE REVIEW: "MIRACLES FROM HEAVEN" (PG) "Miracles From Heaven" is an earnest movie about faith and family, and with things being the way they are...
Where there is hatred, we can sow love

Where there is hatred, we can sow love

It took every modicum of strength I could muster to crawl out from under the covers to write this. I'd been in hiding since last Friday...