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Tag: Clay Jones

donald trump quagmire family guy political cartoon

CARTOON: “Giggity Trump”

From Clay Jones on his political cartoon "Giggity Trump," how Donald Trump and his various sexual antics remind him of Quagmire from "Family Guy" After...
political cartoon donald trump

CARTOON: “Hypocritical Surrogacy”

From Clay Jones on his political cartoon "Hypocritical Surrogacy," Hillary Clinton's smear campaign against Donald Trump, and accusations it can't prove Whoever did not see...
creepy clown scare political cartoon

CARTOON: “Send In The Clown”

From Clay Jones on his political cartoon "Send In The Clown," the creepy clowns scare, and how Ronald McDonald and ISIS factor into it Many...
leak october surprise political cartoon hillary clinton wikileaks

CARTOON: “Devil Of A Leak”

From Clay Jones on his political cartoon "Devil Of A Leak," Wikipedia and Julian Assange's October Surprise, and how Hillary Clinton is the devil Wikileaks...
donald trump hillary clinton debate political cartoon

CARTOON: “Trump Gets A Head”

From Clay Jones on his political cartoon "Trump Gets A Head," the latest debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, and "locker room talk" What’s...
donald trump political cartoon

CARTOON: “Groper In Chief”

From Clay Jones on his political cartoon "Groper In Chief," a video of Donald Trump's lewd behavior that's eleven years old, and how Jones...
hurricane matthew climate change political cartoon

CARTOON: “Blame For A Hurricane”

From Clay Jones on his political cartoon "Blame For A Hurricane," how climate change is being blamed for Hurricane Matthew by scientists, and how...
whipping out that mexican thing political cartoon

CARTOON: “That Mexican Thing”

From Clay Jones on his political cartoon, "That Mexican Thing," whipping out that Mexican thing, and Tim Kaine's freaky eyebrow If you had Googled “whipping...
creepy clowns political cartoon

CARTOON: “Creepy Clowns”

From Clay Jones on his political cartoon "Creepy Clowns," creepy clown sightings across the U.S., and how we will have at least four more...
bernie sanders hillary clinton basement political cartoon

CARTOON: “Basement Berners”

From Clay Jones on his political cartoon "Basement Berners" and Donald Trump's comment about Hillary Clinton's comment about Bernie Sanders supporters I’m not trying to...