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Tag: Clay Jones

Ben Fields body slamming student

CARTOON: ‘Slamming the Public’s Trust’

From cartoonist Clay Jones on 'Slamming the Public's Trust,' Ben Fields body slamming a student for refusing to turn over her phone, and yes,...
meat kills cancer

CARTOON: ‘Meat Kills’

From cartoonist Clay Jones about 'Meat Kills,' cancer, and why Alice Cooper hasn't run for president I’ve drawn too many cartoons on food lately. I’ve...
Trump Iowa retweet

CARTOON: ‘Trump Gets Corny’

From cartoonist Clay Jones on 'Trump Gets Corny,' the Iowa retweet, and sharing your Twitter account with the wrong people Didn’t Donald Trump see that...
hamburger eating contests Spooky Town Fair

CARTOON: ‘McSpooky Town’

'McSpooky Town' is an original cartoon exclusively for The Independent from cartoonist Clay Jones inspired by Don Gilman's article 'Hamburger eating contests at Spooky...
Paul Ryan Speaker of the House

CARTOON: ‘Saving Speaker Ryan’

From cartoonist Clay Jones about 'Saving Speaker Ryan,' what it will take for Paul Ryan to be Speaker of the House, and pirates and...
Jim Webb President Campaign

CARTOON: ‘Jim Webb Kills His Campaign’

From cartoonist Clay Jones about 'Jim Webb Kills His Campaign,' the problem with Webb's campaign to be president in the first place, and the...
Trey Gowdy Benghazi Shut Up

CARTOON: ‘Shut Up Republican Style’

From cartoonist Clay Jones about 'Shut Up Republican Style,' Benghazi, Trey Gowdy, Mo Brooks, and the rest of the Stooges Republican Congressman and chairman of...
Trump prevented 9/11

CARTOON: ‘Safer with Trump?’

From cartoonist Clay Jones about 'Safer with Trump,' how Trump would've prevented 9/11, and how he can prevent another major tragedy I don’t think it’s...
Obama Afghanistan foreign policy

CARTOON: ‘Obama’s Afghanistan’

From cartoonist Clay Jones on 'Obama's Afghanistan,' foreign policy, and Malia for President On Thursday, Obama officially gave up ending the war in Afghanistan. It...