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Tag: claytoonz

CARTOON: What is Aleppo?

From Clay Jones on his cartoon "What is Aleppo?" If Gary Johnson actually had any chance at the presidency, or even to poll at 15%,...

CARTOON: Trump Foundation

From Clay Jones on his political cartoon "Trump Foundation" Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi does not want to be bullied by Hillary Clinton. She likes...

CARTOON: Air Force Funk

From Clay Jones on his cartoon "Air Force Funk." President Obama had one awkward moment after another during his attendance to the G20 summit in...

CARTOON: Select Your Outrage

From Clay Jones on his cartoon "Select your Outrage." People need to put a little more focus into their outrage. Former Stanford student and convicted rapist...
Black Communities Clay Jones Cartoon

CARTOON: “Blue Cop, Red Cop, White Cop, Black Cop”

I honestly believe the most effective way to end discrimination among our nation’s police is to bring more minorities into their forces, especially to...
Alabama governor Robert Bentley

CARTOON: “Another Cruz Conquest”

From Clay Jones on his political cartoon, "Another Cruz Conquest" Ever since the National Enquirer reported that Ted Cruz is a Senatorial stud muffin and...
political cartoon Donald Trump

CARTOON: “Trump And His Teeny Tiny … Hands”

From cartoonist clay Jones on "Trump And His Teeny Tiny ... Hands," that thing on Ted Cruz's lip, and a heartfelt thanks to Republicans By...
Donald Trump Mitt Romney cartoon Riding With Mittens

CARTOON: “Riding With Mittens”

From cartoonist Clay Jones on "Riding With Mittens," the Obama-blaming business, and Mitt Romney's dog One of the more bizarre things that came out of...
cartoon Claytoonz Clay Jones Chris Christie's New Role

CARTOON: “Chris Christie’s New Role”

From cartoonist Clay Jones on "Chris Christie's New Role," selling one's soul for nothing, and Donald Trump's little sausage fingers Once upon a time, New...
cartoon Claytoonz Clay Jones Your Mama

CARTOON: “Your Mama”

From cartoonist Clay Jones on "Your Mama," less-than-presidential behavior, and Marco Rubio's below-the-belt (in more ways than one) attacks Donald Trump’s penchant for being vulgar...